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Shipwreck Record
‘Old Channel Lake Bank Wrecks
104m Wreck
117m Wreck
118 fathoms Wreck
137m Wreck
17 Fathom
1927 Cabin Cruiser – Wolfe Island
1970s Tri-Hull Pleasure Boat
62 Fathoms Wreck
A McVittie C 138491
A. Booth US 106108
A. Buckingham (Alvin Buckingham) US 386
A. H. J.
A. Howes US 1495
A. J. Bemis (Philo S. Bemis) US 19684
A. L. Abbell ( C. L. Abell)(1855)
A. Medbury
A. R. Colborn and Crane
A.A. Parker
A.E. Vickery US13330 (J.B. Penfield)
A.F. Bowman (City of Oswego) C 116385
A.F. Bartlett
A.G. Ryan
A.M.P. US 208599
A.P. Dutton US 376
A.W. Comstock
A.W. Lawrence US 105948
Abbey (Abby)
Abbie L. Andrews US 105224/C 122637
Abbie US 106407
ABBIE US 106407
Abercorn US 105361
Abernethy C 130386
Abiah (1848)
Abigail US 368
Abigal US 368
Abyssinia US 107221
Acacia C 126464
Acadia C 77697
Acadia C 77697
Acme (Music)US 90671
Acme US 107039
Acme US 297
Acontias US 1394
Acorn 1844
Active (1848)
Active US 105087
ADA (1857)
Ada E. Allen
ADA US 100598
Adam Ainslie (Richard S. King US 85421) C 94765
Adda US 1548
Addain US 1408
Addie B.
Addie Membery
Addie US 105168
Adelaide (Pre-1830)
Adele (Adale ) US 107191
Adele C 100714
Adell (1860)
Adiramled (City Of Fremont)C 130992
Adirondack US 1385
Adjutant Clitz
Admiral (W.H. Myer)
Admiral US 105156
Adriatic US 302
Advance (Sir S.L. Tilley) C 88632
Advance 1854 C 32937
Advance C 90775
Advance US 105051
Advance US 195102
Advance US 365
Adventure (pre1848)
Adventure C 88575
Adventure US 105567
Adventure. (1873)
Adventurer US 107174
Aetna US 358
Africa C 92285
Agawa C 111807 (Robert P. Durham, Heron Bay, Federal Husky)
Agnes Arnold (Bob Mills) US 2781
Agnes Barton
Agnes Hope C 71168
Agnes Smith C 116244
Agnes W. (Roswell P. Flower)
Ahnapee US 1549
Aimee (Aimie, Aime) US 105856
Ajax US 1124
Akron US 294
Alabama (1834)
Alabama (1848)
Alaska C 117174
Alaska (Acorn)
Albacore C 74380
Albany (1846)
Albany (Orion) US 106306
Albatros IV 190377
Albatross 1867
Albatross C 75633
Albemarle US 1730
Albert 1867
Albert Wright (Annie Pratt, Ahteek) C 77915
Alberta C 102648
Alberta C 122177
Alberta C 88247
Alberta US 106355 C 103648
Albion (Bristol) C 73960
Alert (Chippewa)
Alert C 90699
Alert US 105101
Aletha C 107748
Alex Fraser
Alex Weston (1870)
Alexander (General Sherman US 10630) C 61161
Alexander B. Moore(Northwest) US 105241
Alexander Watson
Alexandra C 112153
Alexandria Bay Sail Boat
Alexandria C 85768
Aley Numick
Alfred Allen (J. J. Morley)
Alfred P. Wright C 105722
Alfred P. Wright US 106539
Alfred P. Wright US 106539
Alfred W.
Algerine (Algerian)
Algie O’thayer (O.A. O’thayer)
Algoma (City of Toronto, Racine) C 46235
Algoma 1883
Algona US 105608
Algonquin (1839)
Alice Brooks C 80909
Alice C (Bob Ludwig)
Alice G C 107169
Alice Hackett (pre-1828)
Alice L US 208703
Alice Vivian US 30240
Alide J. Rogers
Alleghany US 379
Allegheny (1873)
Alliance 1856
Alliance US 300
Allie (Rescue ) C51700
Alligator Tug – Catfish Lake, Ontario
Alligator Tug – Burnt Lake, Ontario
Alma (pre 1857)
Alma C 33430
Alma US 1086
Almeda (Alameda) US 313
Almeron Thomas US 106848
Almighty (Amily)
Almira (1849)
Almira US 29358
Aloha C 134264
Alpena US 105351
Altadoc (Lake Shore) C 116577
Alva B US 106738
Alva Bradley
Alva D C 122420
Alvah S. Chisholm Jr US 107557
Alvin A Turner US 105227
Alvord, Chas G. (California 1849 ) (1863)
Alwilda (1854)
Alzora (Abzora) C73916
Amaranth US 1026
Amaretta Mosher
Amasa Stowell
Amazon (1837)
Amazon (1837)
Amboy (Helena)
Amelia 1796
Amelia (1836)
America (1842)
America 29763
America US 105244 (105337)
America US 107357
America US 205673
America US 213020
America US 217862
America US 355
America US 373
American Champion
American Eagle US 570
American Galley Congress
American Galley Thumble (1776)
American Republic
American Sailor (Mayor Scully, Neptune Line No. 10) US 167386
American Scout US 167670
American Union US 307
Amethyst US 1712
Amherst Island 1
Amherst Island 1
Amherst Islander, Tanti C 154774
Amity (Almighty, Amily)(1856)
Anabel II US 228126
Ancaster C193615
Andaste US 106926
Andover (1844)
Andrew (1826)
Andrew B C189887
Andromeda (1848)
Angelique US 29299
Angler's Point Wreck
Ann (Pre-
Ann Arbor #1
Ann Bell Chambers (Annabella, Mary Taylor) (Pre-1850)
Ann Brown (1832)
Ann Hartley C 52287 (Nicolet, I.L. Tucker, J.L. Tucker)
Ann Jane Brown (A.J. Brown, Ann J. Brown) (1842)
Ann Long (W.E. Gladstone) C 78026
Ann Maria (Anna Maria, Annie Maria) US 387
Ann Maud (Anna Maud , Annie Maud )
Ann Sisson (Sisson, Ann)
Anna Belle Wilson (Annabel Wilson) US 106475
Anna Dobbins
Anna Laura US 105106
Anna M. Foster (Foster ) C 71276
Anna Mildred C 153244
Anna O. Hanson US 1811
Anna Ruth (American Favorite)
Anna Smith
Annabell Wilson US 106475
Anne (1854)
Anne Marie (1886)
Anne Winslow (Annie Winslow)
Annie Coleman
Annie Falconer C 83285
Annie Laurie
Annie Moulton
Annie Mulvey
Annie Tomine US 29360
Annie Watt C 85326
Annie Young US 1760
Anspach US 16402
Antares US 366
Antares US 366
Antelope (1854)
Antelope (1861)
Antelope (Ellen G Cochran) US 135356
Antelope US 203314
Anthony Wayne (General Wayne)
Anzac (Anzac K)
Appomattox US 107236
Arab US 311
Arbutus C 92642
Arbutus US 206473
Arctic US 299
Arctic US 299
Arcturas (Arctura)
Arcturus US 568
Ardent US 563
Argo (Lizzie T. Davis) US 140195
Argonaut US 29755
Argus (Lewis Woodruff) US 200211
Argyle (Glengarry)
Arizona US 1768
Ark (1844)
Ark (E.K. Collins)
Ark C 72957
Arkansas (1849)
Arlington (Glencadam, F.P. Jones) C 138210
Armenia US 107219
Arrow (1865)
Arrow (pre-1880)
Arrow US 372
Arrow US 549
Artic (1851)
Artic (Welland)(1858)
Artic C 94930
Ash Island Barge
Asia (1873)
Asia 1864
Atalanta (1832)
Atalanta US 375
Athena C 100398
Athens US 107276
Atlanta (1891)
Atlanta 1873
Atlanta US 106746
Atlantic (Manitoulin)
Atlantic 1833
Atlantic 1848
Atlantic US 29914
Atlantis (Despatch)
Atlas (1851)
Atlas US 200815
Atlasco C 138234 (Russel Sage US 110472)
Auburnville C 177428 (W.A.C. No.5)
Augusta 1883
Augustus C 96919
Augustus Handy
Augustus US 29961
Aurora (pre-1844)
Aurora C 53887
Aurora US 106493
Australasia US 106302
Australia US 370
Autocrat (1854)
Ava Bradley US 1910
Avery, Waldo A. (Phenix/Liberty) US 116816
Avon Voyager II (Willingate, Thomas V. Hollett, Avalon Voyager) C 177073
Aycliffe Hall C 147800
Aztec (1889) US 106627
B. M. Baker US 31217
B. West US 162514
B.B. Buckhout C 126059
B.F. Bruce
B.H. Becker
B.L. Webb (1856)
B.M. Baker US 31217
B.W. Alderich US 2701 (J.M. Diver)
B.W. Arnold US 3333
B.W. Blanchard US 2806
B.W. Folger (Caroline)
Babineau & Gaudry
Badger C138576
Badger State
Bahama US 2380
Baltic (Baltin)1851
Baltic (Frances Smith)C 92310
Baltic Belle (Themis) C 195748
Baltic US 2138
Baltimore (Escanaba)
BANNOCK C 10293(Yard No 386, Great Lakes “Flying Dutchman; Ghost ship of the Great Lakes)
Barbara Lyn (Sumpter) 276723
Barclay US 26834
Barge 104 C 53257
Barge 115 US 53268
Barge 43 US 172728
Barge No. 012
Barge No. 1 US 00070
Barge No. 129 US 53276
Barge No. 23 (Twenty Three)
Barge No. 3 US 67317
Barge NO. 4
Barges – Grand Island NY
Barges – Mohawk River (Erie Canal)
Barges Lock 32 Pool, Erie Canal, Pittsford, New York
Bartlett A.F. U105130
Batchawana (Robert A. Packer)
Bath Marina 2
Bath Skiff
Batteau Channel
Bavaria C72595
Bay City
Bay City 1853
Bay Coal(Industry 1848?)
Bay of Quinte (1853)
Bay Of Quinte(Neptune)(1853)
Bay Queen (1853)
Bay State (Ontario)
Bay Trader
Bayanna C 150811 (Aragon US 107228)
Bayline Park Wreck
Bayport (Fairport
Beaver (Baltic)
Bella C 88569
Belle 1866
Belle Adkins (Belle Atkins)
Belle C 83153
Belle Cash
Belle of Hamilton 1857
Belle Sheridan C 2379
Bells Barrel
Ben Hur C 3411 (M.C. Upper)
Benicia Boy
Benj. F. Bruce (Benjamin F. Bruce) US 2860
Benjamin Noble
Benton US 2145
Berlin City (1856)
Berlin US 2161
Bermuda C 72701
Bermuda US 2160
Bertie Calkins C 16127
Bessemer US 46130 (Justin R. Whiting)
Bessie Barwick
Bessie Smith US 2852
Betty L US 22380 (SS Rummage, Charlie O. Smith)
Big Bay Sloop
Bigalow H.P. US 96269
Bigler (J. Bigler, John Bigler)
Birdie US 3143
Birmingham (Alciope United Kingdom)
Birmingham 1843
Black Duck US 2115
Black Hawk Emery, Fletcher, Elizabeth,George Suffle) (1833)
Black Marlin (Martha M.) US 233702
Black Rover
Black Snake
Blackbird (1867)
Blanche C 71061
Bob Anderson 1862
Bob Anderson US 2866
Bob Foote
Bob Powell Wreck
Bolivar (1825)
Bon Voyage US 3497
Bond Road Barges
Bonnie Boat (Bonnie Maggie) C51653
Bonnie Doon US 2136
Boscobel 31410
Bothnia (Jack)
Bottle Wreck
Bout de l C 116597
Bow Rider
Boxer (1818)
Brandon C 92535
Brenton US 3202
Britannia – 1833
Britannia (1860)
Britannia (pre-1853)
British Empire
British Lion
British Lion C 80577
British Queen
Brooklyn US 2151
Brothers – 1852
Brothers (1839)
Brothers (Pre-1845)
Brothers (Three Brothers)
Brown Brothers C 133792
Brownville Rebuilt as Wm. Avery
Bruce Mines
Bruno C 80600
Brunswick US 3148
Bryn Barge, John Fritz, John A. Roebling
Bucephalus (1852)
Buckeye US 2150
Buffalo US 3368
Bunker Hill (1835)
Burlington (1837) (Scotland)
Burlington (1843)
Burt Barnes C 150489
Butcher’s Boy (Hannah B., A.H. Morrison) C 92612
Butcher’s Maid (Kaministiquia, Jessie Oliver, Albert Neff) C 71223
Byron Trerice C 83028
Bytown (1836)
C. D. Leuty
C. G. Alvoord, Charles G. Alvord, California (1849) C 4389
C. Hickox C 105817
C. J. Hutchinson US 4360
C. O. Kelly
C. Reeve
C. Reeve (1853)
C.B. Benson C 125226
C.B. Lockwood
C.C. Griswold
C.C. Hand (R.E. Schuck) US 110860
C.C. Trowbridge (1839)
C.D. 110, (Rapids Queen, Columbian, Brockville)
C.D. No.2 C 156942
C.F. Bielman
C.F. Coughlin US 120993 (Frank J. Bapst, Squaw)
C.G. Alvoord, Charles G. Alvord, California (1849)
C.H. Plummer US 126494
C.M. Bowman
C.N. Pratt US 80574
C.O.D. US 33908
C.W. Armstrong US 5219
C.W. Chamberlain
C.W. Elphicke
C.W. Wells US 116244
Cabotia(Hiawatha) U133852
Cadet (1845)
Cadillac US 126876
Calatco #2 US 236512 (U.S. Navy Tug No. 56, Leader)
Caledonia (1837)
Caledonia (1842)
Calhoun Family Barges
California (1846)
Calumet Island Lifeboat
Calvin Snell (C. Snell, Calvin Suello)
CAMBRIA C74297 (Champion)
Cambridge US 5399
Canada (1826)
Canada (1861)
Canada (Canada No. 2, Young Canada)
Canada (William Gordon) (1836)
Canada #2 C 111911
Canada C 116485
Canadian (Canadian #2) C 74396
Canadian Government Ship (CGS) Lambton C 126409
Canal Boats Near Oswego
Canisteo US 126360
Canobie (Iron King) C 133826
CANOPUS (1855)
Cape Horn
Capstan Wreck
Captain Morris’ Sloop
Cargo Barge
Carlingford US 125024
Carlotta US 105834
Carlyle (Carlisle) (1870)
Carmina (Dan)
Carnegie Bay Schooner
Carnegie Bay Schooner
Caroline (1822)
Caroline (1848, Barge)
Caroline A. Bemis
Caroline Marsh
Caroline Rose
Carrie & Cora US 33893
Carrier Dove
Carthaginian (1855)
Case (J.C. Lockwood) C 76824
Caspian (Lady Hillier, Isabella)
Castalia US 4270
Cataract (1852)
Cataract (1856)
Cataraqui (1836)
Cataraqui (1857)
Cayuga (1841)
Cayuga (1864)
Cayuga US 126556
Cayuga US 220557
Cecil J. C 170676
Cecilia L
Cedar Island 1
Cedar Island 3 (1950’s Dodge Truck)
Cedar Island Yacht
Cedarville (A.F. Harvey)US 226492
Celtic C 71151
Centreboard & Tiller
Ceres (Gen. Houston) (1835)
Challenge (1853)
Challenge US 5905
Champion US 4277
Champlain II
Chandler J. Wells US 4274
Charger (Caspin Wreck)
Charles A. Street US 126485
Charles B. Hill
Charles B. Packard (Elfin-Mere)
Charles C. Ryan(Lake Ontario) US 126622
Charles F. Foster
Charles H. Bradley US 126653
Charles H. BURTON US 125402 (Glenbulah)
Charles H. Davis
Charles H. Hurd US 6390
Charles H. Weeks US 33938
Charles Hebard
Charles Horn US 92102
Charles Howard (1845)
Charles J. Kershaw (Kershaw)
Charles L, Hutchinson (Butcher’s Boy) US 125951
Charles P. Minch (1867)
Charles S. Price
Charles Spademan US 125158
Charleston (1837)
Charm C 671567
Charter Oak (1847)
Chas. A. Trinter US 206047
Chaska US 33680
Chattanooga US 127255
Chautauque (1839)
Cheboygan Point Wreck
Checotah (George D Russell) US 85267
Chenango US 4335
Chester A. Congdon US 204526 (Salt Lake City)
Chester B. Jones US 125159
Chicago (1835)
Chicago (1842)
Chicago (1848)
Chicago (1872)
Chicago Board Of Trade
Chicago US 127590
Chickamauga US 127259
Chicora US 126902
Chicoutimi C 80756
Chief Justice Marshall (1830)
Chief Justice Robinson (1841)
Chieftain (Chieftain III) C71178
China (1863)
Chippewa – 1775
Chippewa (1837)
Choctaw C130234
Christina (1870)
Christina (pre-1850)
Chrysler Park Wreck
Chucks Barge
Ciscoe C 176054
City (City Of Rochester) US 4362
City Of Alpena US 125519
City Of Ashland US 126240
City Of Bangor US 127131
City Of Belleville C 71094
City Of Buffalo (1857)
City Of Buffalo (1861)
City Of Buffalo US 127132
City Of Cleveland (1857)
City of Cleveland III(City of Cleveland) US 204080
City Of Cleveland US 126033
City Of Collingwood
City Of Concord
City Of Detroit US 4378
City Of Dresden C 126197
City Of Genoa US 126897
City Of Grand Rapids US/C 125743
City Of Green Bay US 91228
City Of Kingston (1874)
City Of London
City of London 1888
City Of London US 126731
City Of Midland C 97111
City Of Milwaukee US 4276
City of Montreal
City of New York C 116393 US 4377
City Of Oswego (1852)
City of Owen Sound (Saturn)
City Of Painesville
City of Port Huron
City Of Port Huron (Duluth, City Of Cheboygan)
City of Rome
City Of Sandusky (Jay Cooke)
City Of Sandusky C61158
City Of Sheyboygan US 125128
City of St. Joseph (City of Chicago) US 126627
City Of Superior
City of Syracuse (1901)
City Of The Straits
City Of Toledo
City Of Toronto
City of Toronto
City Of Toronto
City Of Toronto C 85414
City Of Venice
City Of Winnipeg (Annie L. Craig)
City Queen
Civil War Wreck
Clara Bell C 125534
Clara Hill US 125753
Clara White
Clarence (Clarence E)
Clarion (1881)
Clarion US 5526
Clay Tile
Clayton Belle
Clayton Belle
Clematis (Maria Love) US 5396
Cleveco (S.O. & Co. #85, S.T. Co. No. 85, Scocony 85, Gotham 85) US 211035
Cleveland (1837)
Cleveland (1872)
Cleveland Pre-1852
Clifton (Samuel Mather)
Clifton US 33565
Clyde C 33560
Clyde C 83141
Coal Wreck
Coast Pilot 6
Coaster (1848)
Coaster (1854)
Coaster C71110
Cobourg C 103955
Col Hathaway US 5861
Col. A.B. Williams
Col. Ellsworth
Colin Campbell (Embury) US 5719
Collingwood (1874)
Collins Bay Schooner
Colonel Bracket
Colonel Brackett US 33607
Colonel Carry
Colonel Cook ( Augusta)
Colonel Ellsworth US 4354
Colonel Hathaway US
Colonel L.D. Coman
Colonial (Darius Cole & Huron) US 127089
Colonial US 126012
Colonial US 222843
Colorado US 4267
Columbia (1844)
Columbia 1848
Columbia US 4406
Columbian (1864)
Columbus (1835)
Columbus (1835)
Columbus C 117039
Comanache (Camanche) US 4932
Comely (Comanly, Cowanly) US 4367
COMET (1826)
Comet (1900)
Comet (Mayflower)
Comet US 125987
Comet US 5683
Commerce (1816)
Commercial (1833)
Commodore Barrie
Commodore Chauncey (1837)
Commodore Foote (Coleraine) US 4923
Commodore Jack Barry US 126355 (Constitution, Jack Berry)
Commodore Owen
Commodore US 125805
Comorant US 240399 (Russell 4)
Comrade US 34132
Concord US 4390
Condor C 92553
Conductor (1849)
Conemaugh US 125858
Conestoga C 140988 (Susquehanna)
Conger Coal C 126268 (A. Weston)
Congress (Nebraska) US 18093
Congress US 4392 (Detroit)
Conqueror (Conqueror No. 1)
Constitution (1835)
Constitution (1837)
Construction Crane
Construction Cranes with Barge
Cora W Post C 83299
Cormorant (Russell 4 ) US 240399
Cornelia B. Windiate US 125375
Cornelia US 125865
Cornell (Grace Danforth) US 86017
Cornwall C 71609 (Kingston, Bavarian, Algerian)
Cornwall C 94889
Courtlandt US 5397
Cracker Wreck
Cresco US 126020
Crosby Pleasure Craft
Crystal Wreck
Curlew C 122178 (US 5965)
Cyren1an C 77623
D. Freeman
D. N. Barney (1844)
D. P. Dobbins US 6095 C 126228
D.D. Calvin C 83298
D.G. Wright US 35185
D.L. Couch (Acorn)
D.L. Filer C 35311
D.M. Wilson US 6772
D.P. Rhodes (1873)
D.R. Braman (D.R. Brayman)
D.R. Hanna US 203676
Dacotah US 6145
Daggerboard Sailboat
Daggerboard Schooner (Old Taylor or Galloo?)
Dan Allen
Dan Baker
Dan Hayes
Dan. Tindall US 6137
Daniel Ball (Daniel Bell)
Daniel G. Fort
Daniel J. Morrell
Daniel Webster (1837)
Dashing Wave
Dauntless C 64967
David A. Wells US 6635
David Dows US 157029
David G. Thomson C 85306
David Stewart
David Todd US 6138
David Vance US 6855
David Wagstaff
Dawn of the Dead
De Soto
Dean Richmond
Delaware (David Andrews) US 83152
Delaware US 6492
Denmark C 72579
Detroit US 6198
Dickinson Island Wreck
Dolphin (pre 1819)
Dominion C 90526
Dorcas Pendell US 157124
Douglas Houghton (1899)
Dove US 6512
Dover (1810)
Dover (Frank E. Kirby, Silver Spray) US 120796
Dragon US 6103
Dreadnaught US 32270
Dreadnaught US 6947
Dredge Gordon
Dredge #1 C 122174
Dredge #4
Dredge #8 C 116384
Dredge Islander
Dredge Munson
Dredger Algoma
Drednaught (Grenada)
Drill Boat #3 C 151110
Driver US 6201
Dromedary (1868)
Duchess of York (later Sorel, Pelerin, Beloeil)
Dudley US 170472
Duke (1845)(Duke of Darlington)
Duke Luedtke (Alpena)
Duke of Richmond (Richmond, Richmond Packet)
Duluth US 163495
Duncan Bay – Twin Screw
Duncan City US 157096
Duncan City US 6792 (John Rae, John Heisman)
Dundee US 157366
Dundee US 157366
Dunderburgh US 6151
Dundurn (Flint & Pere Marquette #2, F. & P.M. #2US 120500)C 112207
Dunkirk (1823)
Dupont Salvage Scow
Dupont Salvage Scow – Site Map
Dupuis No. 10
Dupuis No. 10 (Beaubien No. 7) US 166284
E. Cohen
E. Hall (pre-1875)
E. Hall 1864
E. S. J. Bemis
E.B. Allen
E.B. Annett US 7243
E.B. Hale US 135012
E.G. Benedict
E.J. Laway Jr. US 212765
E.J. Vickery
E.K. Bruce
E.K. Roberts (City of Windsor, Michipicoten)
E.M.B.A(A.C. TUXBURY) US 106706
E.P. Dorr
E.P. Ryerse US 7317
E.S. Adams
E.S. Catlin US 36325
E.S. Taylor (1857)
E.W. Dunham (1871)
Eagle (Durham Boat)
Eagle US 392
Eagle US 392
East Breakwall Barge(Cleveland)
East US 47123 (Cantin, Kent)
Eastcliffe Hall C 195604
Eber Ward (1888)
Echo (1853)
Eckford (York)
Eclipse US 7231
Edith II
Edith Sewell US 135011
Edmund Fitzgerald US 277437
Edward Blake C 73912
Edward Buckley
Edward C. Whalen C 134013 (John McLean,Adanac)
Edwin Harmon US 8190
Effie Mae
Effie Mae 2023 – Site Map
Eileen G. C 190222
El Dorado (Equator US 7233) US 135117
Eleonora (Great Britain)
Eli Bates (Ella Bates)
Elijah Windsor C 100121
Eliza (1813)
Eliza H. Strong
Eliza K. Redford US 135493
Eliza Quinlan (Sarah)
Eliza R. Turner US 8191
Eliza Wilson (1855)
Elizabeth ( Simcoe, Onondaga)
Ella G. Stone (E.L. Mason)
Ella Ross (Gipsey) C 77589
Ella Teal (Ellen Teal) US 7493
Ellen (or Eleanor)
Ellen Bronson (1835) (Eton Bronson)
Ellen C 107749
Ellsworth Steamer
Elma US 8895
Elsie Doris C 138184
Elva US 86059
Elvira Hunter US 136367
Emerald (1862)
Emily (1840)
Emily Ray
Emily Taylor US 136386
Emma Blake (Emma Black) US 36059
Emma E. Thompson
Emma L. Nielsen US 135665
Emma Munson C 61169
Emma Nielson (1883)
Emma Young
Emperor (Leopard) US 8500
Emperor C 126654
Empire State
Empress C 72576
Engine Block
Enterprise (1855)
Erie Belle
Erie Belle C 73913
Erie Canal Boat (Target #16)
Erie L. Hackley US 135615
Etta Belle US 8730
Eureka C 46229. (US)
Eureka US 116578 (Canada, Schilde)
Eureka US 8894
Evangeline C 58826
Excelsior (George)
Exchange US 7315
F. F. Cole
F. H. Prince
F.A. Meyer US 76731 (J. Emory Owen)
F.B. Gardner US9198
F.H. Prince US 120797
F.T. Barney
Fabiola C 72577 (Royal Oak)
Fair American
Fair Haven
Falcon (Kate Buttironi) US 14393
False Henry Clay US 2335
False Squaw
Fannie Tuthill(spelled Tuttle) US 120130
Fanny Campbell C 96846
Fanny Dowell
Farmer’s Daughter (1816)
Farrington US 85554
Fayette Brown US 9784
Fearless C 33524 (Tarry Not, D. McInnis)
Fedora US 120746
Fellowcraft (Robert Mills) US 110774
Ferry Village Graveyard (LS1777/40)
Fiberglass Sailboat Wreck (Lourdes Camp, Skaneateles Lake)
Filer US 35311
Finn McCool
Fishing Boat (Boston Whaler 21ft)
Fleur De Marie C 77585
Flora Emma
Flora L. Baines
Flora Watson (1854)
Florance Howard
Foam (1845)
Foley US 6749
Fontana US 120713
Forest City US 9914
Forest Queen
Forest Queen (Fidelity) C 77630
Fort Erie Tug
Fox Island Barge
Fox Island Steam launch
Frances Berriman US 120067
Frank B Stevens (St. Joesph) C 134517
Frank C Barnes (J.C. Osgood)
Frank E Vigor (Sir William Siemens,William B. Pilkey)
Frank L. Bapst, Squaw, C.F. Coughlin
Frank Morris
Frank Perry
Frank Stewart
Frank W. Wheeler US 120577
Frank W. Wheeler US 120676
Fred A. Lee (Canada)
Fred B. Hall US 120757
Fred Davidson
Fred L. Wells US 120246 (Raney)
Fred L. Wells US 9162
Fred McBrier
Fred McBrier US 120452
Fred Mercur
Freddie Adams C 122080
Freedom (Corona US 126850, James Bardon No. 7 US 76625
French Creek House Boat
Friendly Island Pleasure Boat
Frontenac (1678)
Frontenac 1816
Frontenac C 111767
Frontenac Hotel Dockage
Frying Pan Island
G. P. Griffith
G.M. Abell (John Young, George M. Abell & Able) US 10219
G.S. Weeks (1835)
G.T. Williams (1846)
Gale Staples (Caledonia)
Galloo Island Wreck #2
Garden City US 85293
Gargantua C 122435 (D.C. Whitner US 157075)
Gazelle C 51692 (US 10164)
Gazelle (1846)
Gen. Tracy (Tracey)
General Franz Sigel US 10217
General Hancock
General Pierce
General Taylor (1848)
General US 86498
Genesee Chief US 10243
Genesse Chief
Geneva US 86005
George (George Murray)
George A Marsh C 133750
George B. Sloan
George C. Drew (1848)
George C. Markham / John W. Cullen
George Carpenter US 39388
George Clinton
George Dunbar
George Finnie US 10545
George G Houghton US 85374
George H. Ely
George Hanson (1851)
George J. Whelan (Erwin L. Fisher,Port de Caen,Bayersher,Claremont)
George L. Dunlap US 10347
George M Chapman
George M. Case US 85386
George M. Cox (Ottawa, Puritan)
George N. Brady US 10244
George Nester
George Sherman
George Spencer
George Stone US 86261
George T. Burroughs
George T. Davie C 107233
George Thurston(David Thurston) C 77639
George W. Adams
George W. Reynolds US 10829
George W. Wesley US 39119
George Wilson (1864)
George Worthington US 10223
Georgian C 890596
Geraldine Battle (Puritan (1893), Sandy Hook (US 150630), Sandy Hook (C 126094))
Gipsey (Isaac Walton)
Gipsy (1859) (Gipsey)
Gladstone US 86996
Glengarry (Argyle) C 90537
Glenlyon (William H. Gratwick, Minnekahtha)
Glenmount (Omega Fayette Brown)C 138235
Glenorchy C 138213 (A.E. Stewart US 10778)
GLM 507 (“Dooner’s Barge”)
Gogebic (Green River) C 138863
Gold Hunter (1862)
Golden Fleece US 10197
Good Intent (1799)
Goose Bay Cris Craft
Gordon Gauthier
Gordon Jerry (Grace Amelia)
Gov. Smith US 86066
Grace A. Channon US 85309
Grace Dormer US 10997
Grace G. Gribbie
Grace M Filer US 85312
Grace Williams US 85882
Grand Island Wreck
Grand Traverse US 91129
Grand View
Granthan C 75641
Graveyard Point Wreck
Gray Oak US 85916
Grecian (1891)
Green River C 138863
Grenada (Drednaught)
Grindstone Island Barges
Grindstone Island Cars
Guild Inn Barges
Guindon Park Wreck
Guindon Park Wreck 2
Gundelow Connecticut
Gundelow New Haven
Gundelow New York
Gundelow Providence
Gundelow Spitfire
H & G US 42376
H 24 C 134199
H Roop
H. C. Winslow US 11200
H. Houghten
H.A. Barr C 107489/US 96218
H.B Preston
H.B. Bishop (Henry C. Bishop)
H.B. Tuttle US 95092
H.B. US 96862
H.C. Akeley US 95639
H.C. Thatcher (H.C. Thacher) US 42560
H.F. Bues U95346
H.G. Cleveland
H.H. Badger(Gillett, Kate, Kate Gillett)
H.J. Webb (1869)
H.J.D. No. 1 (Finglo 39) C 152501
H.N. Jex C 137982 (Frontenac)
H.N. Todman (N.H. Todman)C 80951
H.P. Bridge US 11202
H.R. Preston
H.S. Hubbell US 95699
H.S. Hyde US 42169
H.W. Sage (Henry W. Sage) US 95414
Hamilton (Steambarge)
Hamilton C 103337(Magnet)
Hamilton J. Mills
Hamilton J. Mills US 42662
Hamilton US 11286
Hamiltonian C 103975 (Champion)
Hamonic C 122553
Hampton US 11305
Handy Boy US 95682
Hanlan (Hanlon, Mary Fox)C 80952
Hannah (1836)
Hannah Butler C 80957
Hannah Counter
Hanover US 11142
Happy Go Lucky (1854)
Harbinger US 211160
Harborfest Houseboat
Hardy Park Hull, Brockville Ontario
Harltiner Barge (Scanlon’s Barge)
Harmon A. Chamberlin (H.A. Chamberlin) US 42561
Harmony US 95191
Harold B. Phillips C 95857 (George W. Lormer, Mary Virginia)
Harriet Ann (Robert Bruce) (1854)
Harriet B(Shenango No. 2, Pere Marquette 16, Muskegon) US 116695
Harry H (USS SC-238, Allen, Sea Roamer, SC-1 Class Submarine Chaser)
Hartford US 95229
Harvard 1649
Harvey Bissell US 11281
Harvey J Kendall US 96166
Hattie Hutt C 112190 (F.B. Stockbridge)
Hattie L Johnson US 42513
Hattie T. Brown US 11952
Hattie Wells US 11609
Hector (Glenora)
Helen Taylor US 96270
Helen Taylor US 96270
Henderson Harbour Barge
Hendrik Hudson (1846)
Hennepin Point Wreck
Henri Le Blanc
Henri Rooney (Henry Rooney)
Henry Ainsworth
Henry B. Smith
Henry C. Daryaw
Henry Chisholm US 95610
Henry Clay
Henry Clay 1825
Henry Clay 1842
Henry Clay 1849
Henry Doville (H. Dovell, Doveil)
Henry Folger US 95209
Henry Gust
Henry Hager US 11137
Henry Howard US 11610
Henry Hubbard (1833)
Henry J. Johnson
Henry S. Sill US 95382
Henry Steinbrenner
Henry Wheaton (1845)
Henry Young C 74070 (US 11759)
Hercules (1843)
Hercules (1856)
Hercules (1917)
Herman H. Hettler (Vail)
Hetty Taylor US 95356
Hiawatha C 72982
Hiawatha C 96904
Hickory Stick
Highland Beauty
Hilda C 96870
HMS Anson ( L’Iroquosie)
HMS Charity
HMS Charwell (Navy Hall)
HMS Enterprise (1770)
HMS Experiment
HMS George
HMS Haldimand & Underwater Dock – Carleton Island
HMS Halifax
HMS Liberty
HMS London
HMS Mohawk
HMS Montreal
HMS Newash
HMS Ontario
HMS Ontario (1780)
HMS Oswego
HMS Prince Regent (General Beresford, Netley, Navy Bay Wreck)
HMS Princess Charlotte (HMS Burlington)
HMS Psyche
HMS Radcliffe (Brown Bay Vessel)
HMS Speedy
HMS St Lawrence
HMS Tecumseh
HMS Vigilant
HMS Welcome
HMS York (Ecford)
Hoarce Taber US1123 (Amoskeag)
Holy Cross Church Rum Runner
Homer Warren (Atlantic)
Honora Carr US 95851 (Maple Leaf)
Horace A. Tuttle US 95908
Horace H. Badger (Gillett, Kate)US 14164
Horse Carriage
Howard (Admiral D.D. Porter)US 980
Howard S. Gerkin (Rosamond Billett, T. P. Phelan) C 130272, US 140953, US 225429
Hubbard US 11179
Hudson US 95953
Humber Bay Pleasure Boat
Humber Bay West
Humboldt US 11855
Humko US 250957
Hunter Savidge
Hunter US 11139
Hunter US 11301
Hunter US 95471
Hunting Boy US 95268
Huron (pre1871)
Huron C 71202
Huron C 80873
Huron City US 11579
Huronton (Huron US 96425) C 141664
Hurricane (1854)
Hustler US 96219
Hydrus (R.E. SCHUCK, SHUCK) US 200315
Hyphen US 11578
I. A. Johnson US 12090
I.M. West US 100325
Ida E
Ida Walker (New Dominion)
India C 107735
Indian C 33495
Indiana (Stone Wreck)
Industry US 202323 (C.H. Conover)
Inkerman (French Navy Minesweeper)
International (Grantham)
Iona C 94922
Iowa (1896)
Ira Chaffee US 12131
Ireland C 30791
Irene Beauchine (J.L. Milner)
Irene Beauchine (J.L. Miner) US 76162
Iron Chief
Iron Ore Wreck
Iroquis C 116364 (John J. Long)
Iroquois (1907, Excursion Vessel) C 116850
Iroquois (John J. Long)
Iroquois (Simcoe, North, Mary Ward)
Isaac Buchanan
Isaac W Nicholas
Isabella Ainslie
Isabella H. (Mccormick)
Isabella J. Boyce
Isacc W Nicholas US 13477
Ishpeming US 100039
Island Packet
Islander US 75508 (J.H. Kelly, John Thorn)
Islander US 75508 (J.H. Kelly, John Thorn) Dec 2024 – Matthew Charlesworth
Ivy Lea Wreck (Halcyon?)
J. Bertschy, Jacob Bertschy US 75124
J. Duvall US 75721
J. H. Jones C 90769
J. Hanson US 13761
J. Harbridge (1847)
J. R. Worswick US 75993
J. S. Harvey
J. W. Langmuir (Prince of Wales Hannah)
J. W. Wadsworth (1855)
J.A. Travis US 13862
J.B. Collins
J.B. Comstock US 76941
J.B. King C 130255
J.C. Clark C 51669 (T.D. Dole C11866, J.C. Clarke, James Clark)
J.C. Ford C 150135
J.C. Hubbard US 75075
J.C. Morrison
J.C. Wheeler (1854)
J.D. Scott US 125515 (City of Rochester)
J.F. Card US 12778
J.F. Tracy US 12774
J.G. Jenkins US 100078
J.G. Mcgrath
J.H. Outhwaite US 76636
J.H. Sheadle
J.H. Tiffany (1856)
J.J. Carroll US 224735
J.K. Ward
J.L. Beckwith (James L. Beckwith)
J.M. Allmendinger US 76411
J.N. Carter C 72962
J.S. Austin (D.A. Austin, Joseph S. Austin, J.L. Austin, J.J. Austin)
J.S. Newhouse US 12764
J.W. Bennett
J.W. Brooks
J.W. Steinhoff (Queen City, Canada) C 71101
Jack Thompson US 24220(Telegraph)
Jackie’s Wreck
Jacques Cartier
Jacques Cartier C 71253
James A. Walker C 92383
James Amadeus US 75616
James B. Colgate US 77019
James Beard (Wesley Hawkins)
James Buckley C 80910
James Buckley C 85717
James C King US 13871
James Carruthers
James Clarke C 71149
James Coleman C 33580
James Davidson
James F. Cahill US 165740
James Fisk Jr.
James G. Blaine US 20195 (Pensaukee)
James G. Worts C 71245
James H. Hall US 76553
James H. Reed US 77589
James H. Shrigley US 76214
James Hughes (1847)
James L. Allison US 77034
James Pickands
James R. Benson (J. R. Benson)
James R. Bentley C 12720
James Reid (Protector) C 116
James W. Curran C 176167
James W. Follette US 116816
James Wood (1846)
Jane Bell
Jane C. Woodruff C 88635
Jane Miller C 78022
Jason Gould (1863)
Jay Gould
Jenne V. Merri
Jennie Matthews
Jeska C 126128
Jesse H. Breck C 72580
Jessie Anderson
Jessie Anne
Jessie Drummond (1865)
Jessie Hall C 70288
Jessie Woods
Joe (1881)
Joesph L. Russell (Lakeside) C 90778
Joesph M. Enright US 45619
Joesph S. Fay US 75315
John & Alex (1924)
John A. Francomb
John A. Mcgean
John A. McPhail
John B Breymann US 91857
John B. Cowle
John B. Fraser
John B. Ketcham 2nd
John B. Martin
John B. Merrill
John B. Wright (1854)
John Bentley (1872)
John Breden (John Bredin) C 13933
John Bright C 61130
John Burt US 75300
John By
John Chassell (Echo) US 75352
John Dunn US 75609
John E Hall US 76790
John Egan C 80897
John Evenson US 76523
John Greenway
John H. Drake US 12757
John J. Audubon
John J. Barlum
John J. Boland Jr. (Tyneville) C 149467
John Jacob Astor
John L. Shaw
John Ladue
John M. Hutchinson US 75597
John M. Osborne
John Marsh
John Marshall
John Mitchell
John P. Hale
John Pridgeon Jr
John Raber (General Worth) US 10150
John Randall C 117121
John Rolph (Resolute) C 88241
John S. Parsons US 759999
John Sharpless US 77587
John Sweeney (1855)
John Thursby US 12772
John Tibbetts US 13299 (Perseverance, Scotia)
John Torrent C 122440
John V. Ayer (1856)
John V. Moran US 75748
John W. Cullen US 85779 (George C. Markham)
John Walters
John Webber C 12970
John Weeden US 12792
John Welsey US 75491
Jolly Inez (Turret Chief, Vickerstown) C106605
Jordan Beebe Jr.
Jorge B
Joseph L. Hurd US 75154
Joseph S. Fay (1871)
Josephine Dresden US 12756
Joyland C138108 (William A. Haskell US 81025).
Judge Hart C 146247
Julia B. Merrill
Julia C 72559
Junction 20 Wreck
Juno (1842)
Jura (Marion) C 85411
Jura C 85411 (Marion)
Kaliyuga (1887)
Kate L. Bruce US 14277
Kate Winslow US 14281
Katie Eccles C 75911
Keenan (Winnana) C 122414
Keuka (A. Stewart and H.J. McAvoy) US 106644
Keuka Lake Steam Launch and Boat
Keystorm C 129749
KGH Wreck
Kibbets Wreck
King Fisher (1867)
Kinghorn (1871)
Kingston Packet
Kingston Yacht Club Wreck
Kittie Haight C 72956
Kitty Freil
Klotowah (Margaret) US 93236
Knapp Roller Boat
Kring Point Pleasure Craft
Kyle Spangler
L.C. Butts (L.C. Butts No. 1)
L.C. Woodruff US 14609
L.D. Coman (L.D. Cowan)
L.M. Hubby (1855)
L.M. Mason
Lady Colborne
Lady Elgin C 33457
Lady Minto (1903)
Lady Moulton (G. J. Whitney) C 33574
Lady of the Lake
Lake Erie (1873)
Lake Michigan US 88537
Lake Street Wrecks (3)
Lalonde C 74203
Landing Craft
Langell Boys US 141067
Langham (Tom Adams)
Langham (Tom Adams)
Lansing Shoal Lightship No. 055
Laura Bell
Laura C 17234
Laura E. Calvin
Laura Grace
Laurel (Laura)
Le Blanc Henri
Le Griffon
Lena Behm
Leonard Hanna US 15832
Lewis Gilbert US 140181
Lewis Ludington US 14804
Life Boat near Oconto
Light Beacon
Lillian US 15018
Lillie Parsons (1868)
Lilly Hamilton C 71271
Lily Amiot US 15899
Lion (1863)
Lionel Parsons US 134511 (Howard M. Hanna, Jr.Glenshee, Marquette, Goderich, Agawa)
Little Wissahickon (Edward Kean)
Lizzie A. Law & David Vance
Lizzie Bell
Lizzie Madden (Chenango) US 126431
Lizzie Throop US 14678
Lloyd S. Porter
Loblaws Wreck
Lochiel (Three Seas)
Logging Barge Little Marble Lake
London C 72584
Londonderry C 111663 (Quebec)
Lorain (Cabot, Steven M. Selvick) US 212968
Lord Elgin C 33457 (Syracuse, Montreal)
Lord Selkirk’s Canoe Brigade (1816)
Loretta C 122480
Lorraine (Alice Mary) C 72564
Lothair & Edward S Pease
Lothair C 71170
Lotta Bernard
Lottie Cooper US 140185
Lottie Wolf
Louis Wells (Jarvis Wells, J. Wells) US 14619
Lucerne US 15914
Lucinda Van Valkenburg US 14614
Lucy Auchard
Lucy J. Clark
Lucy Raab (1858)
Luther Wright (Pre-1848)
Lydia Ann
Lyman M. Davis C 130436
Lyman Pleasure Boat
M Dousman (1843)
M. 16. D.
M. L. Breck (Marion L. Breck)
M. Lalonde C74203
M. Stalker
M. Stalker US 17211
M.E. Tremble US 90745
M.I. Wilcox (1868)
M.J. Cummings US 91329
M.L. Canfield (Mary Lydia)
M.M. Drake US 91485
M.O. Gorman
M.W. Wright US 17825
Mabel Macdonald C 100037
Mackinaw Skiff
Madison (USS General Brady)
Magdala (1882)
Maggie (Oneida)
Maggie Ashton US 90593
Maggie Bell C 71192
Maggie Carroll US 91593
Maggie Hunter (John S. Clark) C 72954
Maggie L C 96902
Maggie M. Avery US 92065
Maggie McRae C90697
Maggie R
Magnet (Hamilton)
Main Duck Bow Rider
Majestic US 92116
Major Anderson (1861)
Major N.H. Ferry
Malton (E.M. Peck)
Manasoo C 93932 (Macassa)
Manhattan US 91905
Manola C 141836 US 92170
Mansfield C 96711
Mapledawn (Manola)
Mapleglen (Wyoming) C 141589
Maplegorge, (Ionia/Fairfax) C 111966
Maplegreen C 134350 (Omaha)
Maplegulf (Pawnee)
Maplehurst C 138230 (Cadillac US 126876)
Marble Barge
Marengo US 90583
Margaret A. Muir (1872)
Margaret Allen (1844)
Margaret F. Biglow
Margaret Olwill (1862)
Maria Antoinette (1826)
Maria Love (USS Clematis)US 5396
Maria Melvin
Marian Teller (Marion Teller) US 91130
Marie Josephine (1891)
Marine Museum Barge
Marine Museum Barge 2
Marion L. Breck (Mary Breck)
Mark 1
Mark 2 Submarine
Mark's Point
Marquette & Bessemer No. 2 US 202514
Marquis (Tobias Butler)
Marshall F. Butters US 91408
Martha Ogden (1819)
Mary A Daryaw C 150481 (Kewaunee)
Mary Alice B (Quintus, Bonanka, Lomax)
Mary Ann Hulbert US 90618
Mary Ballard (1855)
Mary Birckhead US 17618
Mary C 74378
Mary E. Burgoyne US 17027 (Tempest)
Mary E. Mclachlan
Mary H. Boyce US 92033
Mary Jarecki
Mary Kay (Payday II)
Mary L. Higgie (Estelle, Hattie A. Estelle) US 90461
Mary Mills US 90493
Mary N. Bourke
Mary O’Gorman (Mary Gormally)
Mary Ward
Mary Ward (North, Simcoe)
Mary Watson (1853)
Mary Woolson US 91988
Marysville (Normaindie)
Mast Hoop Wreck (Bob Powell’s Wreck)
Matilda Taylor
Maude US 116481
Mayflower C 116861
Meatball Rowboat
Medora US 16451
Medora US 16451
Melissa Desagnes
Melvin S. Bacon C 140964
Menominee C138238
Mentor US 17573
Merida (1893)
Merry Calvin(Marr Calvin)
Meteor (Bloom, Nelson) US 17570
Meteor C 33569
Metropole (Sakie Shephard) US 115935
Michigan C 98904
Michipicoten C 94843
Mid Lake
Mid Lake 2 Wreck
Mid Lake 3
Mid Lake 4
Mid Lake 5
Mike Corry (J.O. Thayer) US 75730
Mille Roches, Lost Villages, St. Lawrence River, Ontario
Milton D Ward US 90162
Milwaukee (1852)
Milwaukee US 16619
Minerva Cook
Minnetonka (Hopkins)
Minnie Blakely (1873)
Minnie Hall C 90696 (Minitaga?)
Mission Springs
Mohawk Belle (Florence, Mary Louise) C133744
Moira (Moria1850)
Monarch (W.H. Simpson)
Monarch C 96834
Monguagon US 90658
Monkshaven B86632
Monohansett (Ira H. Owen)
Mons Meg C 107688
Montana US 90501
Montgomery ( Northern Light)
Montgomery (1847)
Monticello (1848)
Moramia No. 140
Morania #130
Morning Star
Morton Wreck
Mortons Wharf
Moses and Elias (1834)
Muscallonge C133752 (Vigilant)
Myles (Cataract, Therese T.)C 77698
Myrtie M. Ross
Mystery Steamer
N. Mills
N.C. West
Napoleon (1833)
National Yacht Club
Navajo C 100660
Naval Anchor Dive Site
Neebing C 77037 (John B. Ketcham 1 & 2 US 77037, Coalhurst, Greenland)
Nehemiah Hubbard (1832)
Neil Cochrane (Neil Cochran) US18517
Nekick (Nakick, Flora)
Nellie (H.C. Sprague Reliance, Lyon)
Nellie A. Duff UA 130334
Nellie Brown US 18318 (Neptune)
Nellie Gardner US 18777
Nellie Hammond US 130124
Nellie Lyon (H.C. Sprague, Reliance)
Nellie P. Downey
Nellie Reddington C 141594
Nellie Wilder
Nelson US 18173
Netta Weaver (Nettie Weaver, Nett Weaver) US 18089
New Era (Empress)
New Orleans
New Orleans
New Orleans (1885)
New York
New York
Newell A. Eddy
Newell Hubbard US 18473
NIAGARA – 1873
Niagara (1845)
Niagara Barge
Niagara Falls Scow
Niagara II(Rideaulite, Imperial Lachine, Niagara, W.M. Edington) C 155286
Niagara Shoal Steam Launch
Niagara Shoal Wreck
Niagara US 18714
Nicaragua C 140963
Nightingale US 18123
Nimrod (1873)
Nipigon (Maplehill, Maplegrange) C 130272
Nisbet Grammer
No. 17 M.F.D. (James Foley) US 130654
Nordmeer LR525650 call no. DIGH
Norfolk (1854)
Norman C 80871
Norman P. Clement C 146255
Norman US 130505
North Bay Wreck
North Carolina (L.C. Sabin)
North Colborne Island Barge
North End of Seneca Lake
North King C 96911
North Point Wreck
North Star
North Star
North Star
North West
North West US 130661
North Wind
Northern Belle (1905)
Northern Belle (Gladys) (J.S. Estabrook) C 71111
Northern Indiana
Northern Lights (1899)
Northwestern (1847)
Norwegian and Tug Maria Melvin
O.E. Parks
O.M. Bond US 19383
O.V. Brainard (1848)
O.W. Cheney US 155034
Oakville Rum Runner
Oatland C 138107 (William J, Averell)
Ocean Wave
Ocean Wave (1860)
Ocean Wave C 19197
Old Club Yacht
Old Concord US 18923
Old Dredge
Olga (Sandusky) US 115141
Olga US 155029
Olive Branch
Oliver L. Swift US 18889
Oliver Mowat C 92584
Olivia (Emblem) (Pre-1853)
Omar D S
Omar D. Conger US 155055
Omar Pacha
Oneida (Arches)
Oneida Chief
Onnalinda (1883)
Onoko US 155048
Onondaga C 80913
Ontario (1874)
Ontario Shores Barge
Orestes (1870)
Orient (1870)
Orion (Weesee) C 138574
Osborne (1874)
Oscar T. Flint
Oscar Townsend US 19385
Ossahinta (1887)
Oswego 1
Oswego 10
Oswego 2
Oswego 3
Oswego 4
Oswego 5
Oswego 6
Oswego 7
Oswego 8
Oswego 9
Oswego D11
Oswego D15
Oswego D17
Oswego D20
Oswego D21
Oswego D24
Oswego D27
Oswego D30
Oswego D32
Oswego D34
Oswego D36
Oswego D4
Oswego D44
Oswego D6
Oswego D9
Ottawa (1872)
Ottawa US 106257 (A.B. Taylor)
Ottawa US 3152 (Boscobel C 116391)
Our Son
P-51 Mustang 9555
P. S. Marsh
P.B. Locke C 20416
P.H. Birckhead US 20400
P.M. Campbell C 94684
Paddy Murphy
Palisade’s Wreck
Panama (John Craig)
Panther C 138004
Papa’s Paycheque
Parthia C103641
Pasadena US 150465
Pascal P Pratt US 150424
PC Barge
Pearl B Campbell US 150296
Penelope US 150582
Pentland US 150656, and FA Georger (Twisted Sisters Wreck)
Perseverance (pre-1814)
Persia C 88533
Peter W US 248805
Pewaukee (Two Friends) US 71279
Pfohl (St Paul) US 23755
Phelps Wreck
Philadelphia (1760)
Philadelphia US 20142
Philip Becker U74214
Philip D. Armour
Philip M (1889)
Philip Minch
Philo Scoville (Scoville, Philo – Midland Rover)
Phoenix (1840)
Picnic Point Barge
Picton (1870)
Picton C 71206
Picton Island Barge
Pigeon (pre 1876)
Pile Wreck
Pirate Wreck
Pleasure Boat
Pleasure Boat – Chris Craft
Pleasure boat and Wreckage -Spanish ON
Pleasure Craft – Missing (Frank Pyke)
Pliny F. Barton (P.F. Barton)
Plow Boy
Plow Boy
Plummer C.H
Point Frederick Hull
Polly M Rogers US 20406
Pond Marina Barge
Port Edward Wreck
Porter Chamberlain US 150067
Portland US 19623
Powerline Wreck
Preston (Harlow)
Pretoria US 150872
Pride US 19681
Prince Albert (1841)
Prince Arthur
Prince Edward Ferry C 80955
Prince Ray C 126395
Princess (Atlas)
Princess (Atlas)
Protection (Gore)
Provincial Paper Factory
Puckasaw (John Hunsader)
Pueblo (Richard W., Palmbay) C133822
Pulaski 1
Pulaski 2
Quail (1868)
Queen Charlotte (1809)
Queen Charlotte (1819)
Queen City
Queen City (1848)
Queen City (Lady of the Lake)
Queen City US 20519
Queen City US 20563
Queen City(1855)
Queen Mary
Queen of the Bay
Queen Of The Lakes C 77626
Queen of the Lakes US 20508
Queen of the Lakes US 205593
Queen of the West (1851)
Queen of the West US 20580
Queen of the West US 20584
Queen Victoria – (1838)
Queen Victoria (1837)
Queen Victoria (1838)
Queen Victoria (1861)
Quickstep (1855)
Quinte C 88242
Quinte Queen C 111665
Quito US 6768 (David Ballentine)
R.A. Seymour Jr. US 110672
R.C. Brittain US 110337/C 100125
R.G. Coburn
R.G. Winslow US 21139
R.H. Rae
R.J. Hackett US 21934
R.J. Henry
R.L. Howard (1856)
R.R. Foster C 130647
Racine US 21184
Raleigh US 110154
Ralph Campbell US 21179
Ralph T. Holcomb ( Isaac Lincoln)
Ray Bay Wreck
Record H11914
Record 0696
Record 10700
Record 10702
Record 14208
Record 14210
Record 14292
Record 14292
Record 15029
Record 1615
Record 2340
Record 2341
Record 2352
Record 2352 Twin Barges
Record 2355
Record 2357
Record 2358
Record 2359
Record 2376
Record 2385
Record 2492
Record 3200
Record 3343
Record 3954
Record 4379
Record 4380
Record 4381
Record 4533
Record 4687
Record 4688
Record 498
Record 5591
Record 6312
Record 7880
Record 8198
Record 8198
Record CL574/82
Record CL574/82
Record H9889/80
Record LNM 39/80
Record LS 1778/40
Record LS-2153/62
Record LS1775/40
Record LS1776/40
Record LS1776/40
Record LS1777/40
Record LS1777/40
Record LS1778/40
Red Pine Bay Wreck
Redmond Prindiville US 21192
Reed Case US 21929
Reliance (1887)
Reliever (Germanic)C 122417
Resolute C 73941
Revenge (1776)
Richard Burns US 76868
Richard J. Carney US 56496(R.J. Carney)
Richard Winslow US 110003
Rickarton C 111967
Rickys Tug
Rideau Belle C 88566
Rideau King (James Swift)C 96920
Ringleader US 110825
Rio Grande US 21473
Robert Bruce (pre-1835)
Robert Burns US 21177
Robert C. Pringle (Chequamegon, Pere Marquette 7)
Robert C. Wente US 110778
Robert Emmett
Robert Gaskin C 80877
Robert J. Morill (A.F. Bowman) C 116385
Robert K
Robert L. Fryer
Robert Mcdonald C 94921
Robert R. Rhodes C 131109
Robert Wallace
Roberval C 125972
Rochester (Charles West) US 126115
Rochester 1
Rochester 2
Rochester 3
Rochester 4
Rochester 5
Rochester 6
Rockport Airboat
Rockport Rowboat
Roosevelt US 203203 ( J.C. Ritchie, Bayville)
Rose Bay Barges
Rose Dousman
Roswell P. Flower (Agnes W. )
Rouse Simmons US 110087
Rover US 111150
Roy A Jodrey C 31689
Royal Albert
Rudolph Wetzel US 21944
Rum Runner
S. Burchard (Sardis Burchard) US 23104
S. C. Walker US 22996
S. Thal US 115781
S.A. Clark
S.A. Wood US 23765
S.B. Conklin US 23056
S.C. Baldwin US 23957
S.D. Hungerford US 22553
S.D. Woodruff (Beaver)
S.F. Gale (S.E. Gale)
S.K. Martin (City of St. Joseph)
S.M. Douglas C 102961 (Colonial, City of Dunkirk, Empire, White Star)
S.P. Ames US 155671
S.S. Howard L. Shaw (1900)
S.S. Ridgetown (SS William E Corey)
S.S. Victorius
S.W. Gee (Yale, Columbia)
Sachem (John Kelderhouse, Derek E.) US 204106
Sachem US 116267
Sacketts Harbour Wreck
Sacramento (1850)
Sacramento US 116682
Sadie Thompson (1890?)
Sagamore US 218114 (James O’Conner)
Sagamore US 57932
Saginaw C 69524
Saginaw US 115118
Saginaw US 22372
Saginaw US 57283
Sailboat 02947
Sailor Boy US 116393
Sailor Boy US 23105
Sailor Queen (John J. Noble) C107136
Saint James US 22417
Saint Lawrence US 22348
Saint Peter
Sam Hale US 22345 (Redick)
Samuel Amsden (Sam Amsden)
Samuel Bolton US 57105
Samuel G. Andrews US 22340
Samuel H. Foster US 115150
Samuel Mather
Samuel T. Atwater (S.T. Atwater)
San Jacinto (1856)
Sand Merchant
Sanor C 3400 (Britannic)
Sara Potter
Sarah E. Sheldon US 115083
Sardinia US 22583
Sassacus US 22916
Saturn (City of Owen Sound)
Say When
Schoolcraft C 134270
Schooner – 95
Schooner 145
Sciota (1848)
Scotia C 88640
Scow Bay Barges
Screamer (1922)
Sea Bird US 22368
Selah Chamberlain (1873)
Senator Derbyshire C 112351
Seneca Chief
Seneca Chief (1825)
Sevona (Emily P. Weed)
Sheboygan (1869)
Shook US 22354
Silas Wright (1852)
Silver Lake US 116263
Silver Spray US 116676
Simla C 112114
Simon Langell US 226091
Sir Charles Metcalf
Sir Charles Metcalf (1851)
Sir Hector C 96892
Sir Robert Peel
Sir T. Van Straubenzie
Sir Trevor Dawson(William C. Moreland)
Skinner’s Sloop
Sligo (Prince of Wales)
Slope Wreck
Smith Mare
Smith Moore
Snow Bird (Minnie Proctor)
Sodus (pre1876)
Sodus Bay Wrecks
Sodus Point 1
Sodus Point 2
Sodus Point 2
Sodus Point 3
Sodus Point Bay Wrecks
Sodus Point Yacht
Sophia Minch US 115166 C 116956
Sophie’s Wreck (Amethyst?)
South Island Pleasure Boat
Southampton (1860)
Southern Trail
Southwest US 22359
Sovereign (1838)
Spanish Mills & Wahnapitea
Sparta (David W. Mills)
Specular US 115876
Sport US 115152
SS Cumberland
SS Francisco Morazan (Arcadia, Elbing, Empire Congress, Brunes, Skuld, Ringås, Los Mayas)
SS Isaac M. Scott (1909)
SS Kaliyuga
SS Monrovia
SS Myron (Mark Hopkins)
SS Pumper (SS Planet, Racey, Paul Evans)
St Clair Flats Motor Yacht
St Clair US 23109
St Louis C 75386
St. Albans US 23514
St. Andrew (W.B. Hall) C 96094
St. Anthony (1856)
St. James US 22417
St. Joseph (Frank B. Stevens)
St. Laurent (Brothers) 80735
St. Lawrence C 33474
St. Lawrence US 22348
St. Louis
St. Louis – SLD Media
Stacked Hulls
Starrucca US 115381
State of Ohio
Ste. Anne C 71636
Stephen A. Douglas
Stephen C. Clark (Nipigon)
Stern Castle
Stern Wreck
Steven Selvick
Stoney Island Barge
Storm Spirit
Stormont C 240962 (Avon)
Stranger US 22403
Strathmore (Gordon Campbell) C 116813
Strathmore US 85184(Gordon Campbell C 116813)
Stu Sill Sr. Barge
Stuart H. Dunn (W.R. Taylor) C 72964
Success US 115376
Sunnyside (1883)
Superior Mentor US 91378
Superior (1845)
Superior & Marion L
Superior City
Susan A. Clark US 22280
Swallow US 23494
Swan US 117056
Swan US 22384
Swan US 57928
Swansea US 115165
Sweden (Pre-1845)
Sweden C 72582
Sweepstakes (1856)
Sweet Home (1853)
Swift (1851)
Swift (Wotan) US 81432
Sylph (1855)
Sylvan Shoal Pleasure Craft
Syracuse (1853)
Syracuse US 116756
T-8 Wreck
T. M. Bradley US 145172
T. Wyman (1845)
T.D. Dole (J.C. Clark, J.C. Clarke, James Clark)C 11866
T.G. Colt (1846)
T.H. Camp US 147127
T.J. Waffle C 130767
T.L.D. No 1.
T.P. HANDY (1849)
Table Rock US 59044 (24146)
Tacoma US 145268
Tacoma US 145673
Tailwinds (1975)
Tallahassee US 145249
Tampa US 145555
Tanner US 24236
Tanti C 154774
Tardis II
Tartar (1852)
Tartar US 24108
Tashmoo US 145843
Tasmania (James Couch) US 75598
Tawas US 24505
Tecumseh (1845)
Tecumseh (1853)
Tecumseh (1862)
Tecumseh C 103691
Tecumseh C 80774
Teddy US 204394
Telegram C 85497
Telegraph (1836)
Telegraph (1849)
Temperance (1848)
Tempest (Tempest 2nd ,Tempest No. 2)US 145105
Templeton (pre-1893)
Temptest (1854)
Tennie & Laura US 145115
Terisa US 145314
Terry’s Tug
Thames (Lady Colbourne )
Thames No. 1 US 272214
The Black
The Briton (S. & J. Collier)
The Cleveland Barge
The Craig Wreck
The Galloo Island Marine Railroad
The Godrich Bone Yard
The Neilson
The Pen Boiler
The Petoskey Underwater Crucifix
The Tugs (John & Alice, Bob Foote, Robert K, Alice G)
Theresa C 90564(C 72575)(D.C. West, Maud S.)
Theresa T
Thomas C Street (1869)
Thomas C. Wilson US 24579
Thomas Coleman US 145030
Thomas Dobbie (Comanache Camanche) US 4932
Thomas Freel Battle ( F.B. Brady)
Thomas H
Thomas H. Cahoon
Thomas H. Howland US 24978
Thomas Hume (H.C. Albrecht) US 95135
Thomas McKay (1834)
Thomas Quayle US 24159
Thomas R Scott US 145452 (C 116847)
Thomas R. Merritt US 72212
Thomas W. Palmer (Samoa) US 145229
Thomas Wilson
Thousand Islander C 141756 (US 209906)
Thousand Islander US 223896
Three Bells US 24643
Three Brothers
Three Brothers (May Durr, John Spry) US 91998
Three Friends
Three Friends (1864)
Three Masted Schooner Wreck
Thrush C 97200
Tibbets Point Wreck
Tiger US 166685
Tiger US 24104
Tiger US 24507
Tiller Wreck
Timothy Baker. (Tim Baker, T. Baker) US 24156
Tioga US 145405
Tioga US 24167
Tip Top US 59171
Titan US 24149
Titania US 145074
Tokio US 145507
Toledo (1836)
Toledo (1854)
Toledo (1869)
Toledo US 204831
Toledo US 24112
Toledo US 24234
Tom Boy US 145103
Tom Cochrane (1861)
Tom Dowling US 24988
Tom’s Wreck
Tonawanda Boiler
Tonawanda US 24110
Topsy US 24578
Torch Lake – (1860)
Torrent (1855)
Tourist US 145493
Tourist US 145742
Trade Wind (1853)
Trade Wind C 88637
Trader US 162087
Traffic US 24506
Trail US 24233
Tramp US 226904
Tranchemontagne (1864)
Transfer (William McGregor) US 80268
Transfer US 145486
Transfer US 59353
Transit (1856, Steamer)
Transit (1872)
Transit US 24231
Transiter C 158633
Translake No. 3
Transport US 145211
Traveler (1847)
Traveler (1852)
Traveller (G. R. Gray II) US 102463
Traveller C 61129 (US 24584)
Trenton (1843)
Trenton (1854)
Trenton US 24395.
Tri-County Corridor Wreck
Tribune (1847)
Triumph (1855)
Troy (1845)
Troy (1849)
Troy (1849)
Troy (1872)`
Truant C 92739
True North II
Tubal Cain US 24162
Tupper Porter (Arnold, Fanny) C 85322
Turret Crown C 104273
Tuscarora (1847)
Tuscarora C 80912
Tuscarora US 203453
Tuscola US 24225
Twilight (1873)
Twilight US 24397
Twilight US 24508
Twin Brothers (1848)
Two Bros. 208773
Two Brothers
Two Brothers (1833)
Two Brothers (C. B. Blair) US 24398
Two Brothers (Sybella, Rachael)
Two Brothers US 206445
Two Charlies US 24145
Two Fannies
Two Katies (Two Kates) US 24980
Two Myrtles (Clover)
Two Sisters (Twin Sisters) US 212527
Two Sisters US 145340
Typo (1873)
U.S. 104 US 167719
U.S. Coast Guard Boat 56022
U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Mesquite
Ubique III (Jay’s Liner, Wilma, R.J. Foote) C 171934 (Bermingham Crane)
Uganda US 25289
Una US 25228
Unadilla US 25021
Uncle Paul
Uncle Sam (1833)
Uncle Sam US 25099
Uncle Sam US 25131
Uncle Tom (1842)
Uncle Tom US 25040
Unidentified – Spanish ON
Unidentified (Potentially Esturion or Water Lily)
Unidentified Border Wreck
Unidentified Centre Board Schooner
Unidentified Daggerboard Schooner
Unidentified Hull
Unidentified Hull
Unidentified Hull – River Barge
Unidentified Hull – Sacketts Harbour
Unidentified Hull – Tug
Unidentified Hull – Barge
Unidentified Hull – Webster NY
Unidentified Hull, Workboat (Scuttled by Kingston Yacht Club)and Cribs
Unidentified Long Point
Unidentified Sailboat
Unidentified Schooner
Unidentified Sidewheeler
Unidentified Steamer
Unidentified Thumb Wreck
Unidentified Wooden Boat
Union (1855)
Union (1857)
Union (873)
Union (Watertown) C 92654
Union Jack
Union Star US 25030
Union US 25045
Union US 25048
Union US 25083
Union US 25138
Union. US 60064
United States (1835)
United Workman US 164181
Unknown (False St. Andrew)
Unknown River Barge
Unknown Shipwreck
Unknown Shipwreck
Unknown Shipwreck
Unknown Shipwreck
Unknown Skiff
Unknown Sloop
Unknown Tug – Milwaukee
Unknown Wooden Dory
Unknown Wooden Steamer
Urada 25243
Uranus (W.C. Franz) C 130775
USS Ariel
USS Asp (HMS Elizabeth)
USS Chippewa
USS Essex
USS Hamilton (Diana)
USS Jefferson
USS Liberty
USS New Orleans
USS Scourge (Lord Nelson)
USS Sunbeam
USS Sylph
USS Trippe
Utica (1834)
Utica (1846)
V. Swain US 25888
Vanderbilt Island barge
Various Lost Village Sites
Vega US 161706
Venus (Steel Products)
Vernon US 161557
Victoria (1900)
Vienna US 25875
Vision (1864)
W. D. Talcott (W.G. Tollcott)
W. T. Robb (1864)
W.A. Adair
W.C. Richardson
W.C. Tillson US 80599
W.H. Gilbert
W.H. Sawyer US 81253
W.J. Carter C 141745 xUS 81112
W.J. Suffel C 71247/U71274
W.J. Whaling US 26364
W.L. Wetmore US 80196
W.O. Brown
W.P. Thew US 81024
W.R. Clinton
W.R. Hanna C 26669
W.S. Carkin / P.B. Mcnaughton / Joseph H.
W.S. Crosthwait US 80344
W.T. Chappell US 80642
W.W. Arnold
W.W. Grant
W.Y. Emery C 71280
Wabash Valley
Wairton (1907) (Thomas Lynch)
Wake Up
Wales C 83375
Walrus (Gray’s Reef Wreck)
Walter B. Allen US 26561
Walter L. Frost
Walter Metcalf
Wanakewan (1910)
Waome (Mink) C 131085
Warrenko C 53588 (Let Her Be, Chicora)
Wasaga (Wissahickon) US 80598
Wasago (Wissahickon) C 117084
Washington (Lady Washington)
Washington Irving
Washington Island Shipyard
Water Lily
Water Witch
Waterloo (1840)
Waters W. Braman (U.S.Q.M.C. Tug Rescue)
Waterson Point Barge
Waterson Point Wreck
Watertown (1864)
Waukegan (Commodore) US 222863
Waukesha (Nabob) US 18175
Waurecan US 62107
Wauseda II C 158472
Wauwona (Wawona) C 126055
Wave (1833)
Wave (1850)
Wave (1854)
Wave Crest C 83414
Wave US 26645
Waverly US 80432
Wavertree US 26233 (R.H. Harmon)
Wayne Isabell
Wayne US 26359
Wayne US 80881
Wee Hawk
Weegee US 80119
Weesee (Orion)
Welcome Island Sailboat
Welcome US 208354
Welcome US 80675
Welland (1853)
Wellesley Island Barge
Wellesley Island Pleasure Boat
Wellington (1856)
Wellington (pre-1854)
Wellington US 26224
Welshman (Glen Isle) C 107789
Wend the Wave US 26836
Wenona? Alberta M. (1907)
West Side US 80115
West Street Boat Ramp Dive Site
Western Metropolis (1856)
Western Star (1854)
Western States US 81811
Western Trader (1836)
Westford US 80068
Wexford C 87342
Whip (1849)
Whiskey Island Cabin Cruiser
Whiskey Shoal Pleasure Craft
White Oak US 26914
White Squall US 26248
White Star (J Maria Scott) US 75610
Wide Awake
Wild Rover
William A. Young US 62866
William Aldrich US 26362
William Avery
William B. Castle (W.B. Castle) 26860
William B. Morley (Caledonia, Gale Staples) US 81191
William Barclay US 26834
William Brewster
William Case (The British Schooner Wm. Case)
William Dickinson
William Edenborn US 81702
William Elgin (Catherine)
William F. Hallstead US 81414
William F. P. Taylor (W.F.P. Taylor)
William Gardner
William H. Barnum
William H. Dunham US 80393
William H. Stevens
William H. Wolf
William H. Wolf US 81164
William Hunter US 26671
William IV
William Jamieson C 75912
William John
William John (Bob Wilson)
William Johnston
William L. Axford
William M. Arbuckle US 26167
William Maxwell US 80963
William P. Cowle
William P. Rend
William Preston US 26563
William R. Linn
William S. Bull
William Tell US 26348
William Treat US 26170
William Wallace
William Wellhouse US 26241
William Wheeler (Sam Cook, Battersby Island Wreck)
William Wheeler US 62873
William Young US 26230
Willie Brown US 80317
Wilma Ann (1932)
Wilma C 130236
Windham (1843)
Windosr (1847)
Windsor US 62523
Wings of the Morning US 26754
Wings of the Wind (1855)
Winona C 94717
Winona US 207934
Winslow C 96855 (US 26243)
Winslow U26243
Winslow US 26174
Wisconsin (1833)
Wisconsin (1838)
Wisconsin (Naomi, E.G. Crosby, Gen. Robert M. O’Reilly, Pilgrim) US 80861
Witch of the West US 26345
Witch US 200646
Wm. Buckley (Wm. Buckly)
Wolfe Islander (Tom Fawcett)
Wolfe Islander II
Wollin US 26349
Wonder US 81794
Wood Duck (1868)
Wood Island US 206510 (Lyle D.)
Wreck 3
Wreck 6
Wreck 7
Wreck X
Wreck Y
Wyandotte (1833)
Wyoming US 80135
Yakima US 27630
Yankee (1853)
Yankee Blade US 27516
Yankee US 27625
Yantic IX-32
Yeo Island Upside Down
Yonkers US 91150 (Milwaukee)
York (1799)
York Packet (Comet)
York Packet (York Packett, York)
York State US 27514
Yosemite 27541
You Tell US 656020
Young America
Young America US 27508
Young America US 27515
Young Hickory US 27540
Young Leopard (1836)
Young Lion (1837)
Young Lion (1862)
Young Lyon US 65018
Young Phoenix
Young Zion
Yukon US 27656
Zadock Pratt
Zealand C 71152
Zenobia (1857)
Zephania (1857)
Zephyr US 28018
Zillah (Edward Smith)
Zimmerman (1854)
Zouave US 28021