Other Names #


Site Description #

  • Schooner

History #

The JOHN J. AUDUBON was a wooden two-masted brig that was built in 1854 by G. & W. Jones in Black River (Cleveland), Ohio. It had a tonnage of 370 tons.

On October 20, 1854, while en route from Buffalo to Chicago, the JOHN J. AUDUBON was involved in a collision with the schooner DEFIANCE. The collision occurred halfway between Thunder Bay Island and Presque Isle, Michigan, in Lake Huron. It was a dark night, and one source suggests that foggy conditions may have contributed to the accident. The DEFIANCE struck the AUDUBON nearly amidships, cutting the brig almost in half. Both vessels sank quickly as a result of the collision.

Fortunately, there were no reported fatalities in the incident. The JOHN J. AUDUBON was carrying a cargo of railroad iron at the time of the collision. The vessel was owned by Merrick & Pierce of Clayton, New York, and Captain Henry Gadsden served as its master.

The wreck of the JOHN J. AUDUBON serves as a reminder of the dangers faced by vessels navigating the Great Lakes during the 19th century. Collisions and adverse weather conditions were significant risks for maritime transportation during that time.

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