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Other Names #


History #

The tragic tale of the propeller ship “Clifton,” originally known as the “Samuel Mather,” unfolds like a somber melody, echoing the powerful forces of nature and the lives forever changed by a fateful storm. Born in the shipyards of West Superior, Wisconsin, in 1892, she was a steel-built, self-unloading whaleback bulker, a vessel that stood as a testament to engineering prowess and maritime innovation.

With her dimensions stretching to 308 feet in length, 38 feet in breadth, and 24 feet in depth, the “Clifton” embarked on her journey through the Great Lakes, navigating the waters with the power of a triple expansion engine. Her journey was not without transformation, as she changed hands and identities, eventually becoming known as the “Clifton” in 1922.

But it was the events of September 22, 1924, that etched the name “Clifton” into the annals of maritime tragedy. Laden with crushed stone, she sailed through the tumultuous waters of Lake Huron, downbound and at the mercy of a powerful gale. The storm’s fury knew no bounds, and the ship foundered with all 27 hands on board, a stark reminder of the tempestuous might of the elements.

The official investigation into the sinking revealed a grim fate: her cargo had shifted, causing the vessel to capsize and turn turtle, dragging the lives of all aboard into the depths of the lake. A once-mighty ship, now silenced by the waters she once conquered, lay at the bottom of Lake Huron, her story entwined with the lives lost on that fateful day.

Decades passed, and the memory of the “Clifton” remained a haunting reminder of the risks that mariners faced upon the unpredictable waters. But in the summer of 2017, the depths relinquished their secret. Off Harbor Beach, Michigan, nearly 100 miles southeast of the predicted location, the wreck of the “Clifton” was discovered. Her stem stood intact, a solemn sentinel of the past, while her bow lay reduced to rubble, a testament to the relentless passage of time.

The “Clifton,” a vessel once brimming with life, found herself at the mercy of Lake Huron’s depths. Her story serves as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by those who traverse the waters, a story that continues to echo through history, a tribute to lives lost, and a warning against underestimating the power of the great lakes.

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