The Cuba schooner was involved in a collision with the propeller Genesee Chief on Lake Ontario, resulting in the sinking of the schooner. The incident occurred in May 1847, and the schooner was loaded with wheat at the time. The cargo loss was estimated at $5,000, and the loss to the hull of the schooner was valued at $4,000.

According to reports, no lives were lost in the collision and subsequent sinking of the Cuba schooner. The vessel quickly went underwater following the collision with the Genesee Chief. Unfortunately, the specific name of the schooner involved in the incident is not provided in the available records.

The Genesee Chief, the propeller involved in the collision, had its own repercussions from the incident. Upon arriving at its destination, the propeller was tied up, and its owners were required to pay $16,000 in damages. As a result, the Genesee Chief ceased operations on the lower lake route. Subsequently, it was sold to parties on Lake Erie. The Genesee Chief had a successful career overall, earning substantial profits for its owners during its time of operation.

  • Buffalo Courier
  • St. Catharines Journal
  • Maritime History of the Great Lakes Website
  • Cleveland Weekly Herald
  • Great Lakes Ships C Patrick Labadie Collection
  • Erik Hyle’s private papers 
  • Casualty List for 1847
  • Buffalo Commercial Advertiser


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