The Fair American was a schooner made of wood, built in Oswego, New York in 1804. It had a length of 64 feet and a tonnage of 83. Unfortunately, there is no official number or other known names associated with the vessel.

On October 1818, the Fair American was lost off the mouth of Salmon River in Lake Ontario. The specific details of the loss, such as the cause or any loss of life, are unknown. It is believed that the shipwreck occurred during a storm.

At the time of its loss, the Fair American was valued at approximately $1,000. The captain of the vessel was Captain Sweet, but there is no information available regarding the cargo it was carrying or any specific circumstances surrounding the wreck.

Interestingly, during the War of 1812, the Fair American was purchased by the United States government and armed with two guns. It sailed as part of Perry’s Fleet. After the war, around 1814, the ship returned to commercial service.

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