The barge known as Freeman, D., also referred to as Freeman, Daniel, had dimensions of 113 feet in length, 24 feet in beam, and 8.7 feet in depth. It had a gross tonnage of 160. The barge was constructed by David Freeman, although the specific year of its build is not provided.

The vessel, originally registered under the name “FREEMAN, D.,” was also known as “FREEMAN, DANIEL.” It was assigned the official number CANADIAN and was built in Port Burwell, Ontario. The barge was a schooner-type vessel with a single deck and a wooden hull. It had two masts and relied on sail power.

The original owner of the FREEMAN, D. was David M. Foster, who hailed from Port Burwell, Ontario. The barge embarked on its maiden voyage to Windsor, Ontario, on June 3, 1869. Ownership of the vessel changed hands over the years, with R. Wallace of Port Hope, Ontario, becoming the owner in 1871. Downey et al. of Port Hope took ownership in 1881 and carried out repairs on the barge. Additional repairs were undertaken in 1882.

On August 13, 1888, the barge was bound for Belleville, Ontario, from Oswego, New York. However, it ran ashore during a severe summer storm. The final recorded incident involving the barge occurred on December 6, 1893, when it was bound for Charlotte, Ontario. Unfortunately, no further details about this incident are provided in the available information.

NY for Gananoque, ONT; frozen, Sodus, NY carrying coal. 1902 Hulk sold as grain storage, Kingston, ONT.

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