The Tragic Fate of the Schooner ANNIE MOULTON in Mexico Bay, Lake Ontario

In the unforgiving waters of Lake Ontario, the schooner ANNIE MOULTON met a harrowing end in 1862, leaving a tale of loss and devastation in its wake. The vessel, constructed before 1862 and primarily engaged in transporting cargo such as barley and rye, faced its final journey amid treacherous weather conditions.

It was during a fierce gale that disaster struck the ANNIE MOULTON. The howling winds tore mercilessly at the ship’s sails, leaving it at the mercy of the storm’s fury. The crew battled valiantly against the tempest, but the relentless force of nature proved too formidable to overcome.

As the storm raged on, the schooner ANNIE MOULTON lost its sails, leaving it defenseless and vulnerable to the raging elements. Unable to control its course, the vessel was helplessly driven ashore in Mexico Bay, located along the shores of Lake Ontario. Trapped amidst the unforgiving waves and turbulent waters, the ship suffered irreparable damage and was ultimately deemed a total loss.

The incident marked a somber chapter in the maritime history of Lake Ontario, reminding sailors and shipowners alike of the perilous nature of their trade. The fate of the ANNIE MOULTON served as a poignant reminder of the risks faced by those who navigated the Great Lakes, where storms could swiftly transform calm waters into a deadly battleground.

As news of the wreck spread, the maritime community mourned the loss of the vessel and its cargo. The ANNIE MOULTON’s final resting place in Mexico Bay became a solemn reminder of the dangers that lurked on the vast expanse of Lake Ontario.

The exact circumstances leading to the wreck of the ANNIE MOULTON remain shrouded in history, with scant details surviving to shed light on the events of that fateful day. However, the wreck of the schooner serves as a reminder of the courage and resilience displayed by sailors who braved the tempestuous waters of the Great Lakes.

Today, the story of the ANNIE MOULTON continues to be remembered through historical records and maritime accounts. It stands as a testament to the bravery of those who dared to traverse Lake Ontario’s waters, even in the face of peril. The legacy of the schooner ANNIE MOULTON lives on, etched into the annals of Lake Ontario’s maritime history as a poignant reminder of the relentless power of nature and the indomitable spirit of those who ventured forth upon the waters.

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