Unidentified Hull – GLENDORA *

  • Steamer
  • 60ffw 20m
  • 220ft Length
  • Amherst Island, Lake Ontario
  • N 44’08.558 W 76’38.027

Story of finding the Wreck – Rick Nelison+ #

Following the line down into the gloom – remember this was before zebra mussels – they found the anchor snagged on a large wooden steamer hull. At the stern was a rudder and an eight to ten-foot propeller, as well as a large set of towing bits. The deck was intact, with large hatch openings, and there was also a second deck level below. Inside there was some pipe, but all engines and boilers had been removed. The bow was partly broken up. The subsequent measurement revealed that it was approximately 214 feet long. 
The next step would be to try and figure out what it might be. In the meantime, it needed a name to differentiate it from the other hulks in the graveyard. Lloyd had an idea. In the book “Canvas and Steam On Quinte Waters” it was stated: “According to records of 1887, the sloop Glendora was lost on Lake Ontario, 2 ½ miles southwest of Amherst Island, with $60,000 in gold and silver specie on November 19th.” Why not name this wreck the Glendora in honor of this mythical treasure ship? (Having done their research they knew that it was actually the sailing barge Glenora that disappeared on that date after her tow line broke in a storm. She turned up later with her 30,000 bushels of grain intact. How do these tales of treasure ships get started anyway?) 
They both agreed that this was a great idea, chuckling to themselves as they imagined the result. Local divers would be all ears when they started hearing rumors that the treasure ship Glendora had finally been found. 

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