This historical account recounts the dramatic sinking of the steamboat CONSTITUTION on Lake Erie during a severe gale in July 1847. The vessel, known for its numerous owners and history of repairs, met its fate in a collision with a pier in the harbor at Sandusky, Ohio. Despite the dire circumstances, the heroic actions of the ship’s engineer a few years prior during a treacherous gale reveal the incredible bravery displayed in the face of danger.

  1. Introduction:
    This narrative delves into the tragic tale of the steamboat CONSTITUTION, a vessel that fell victim to Lake Erie’s unforgiving waters. The focus is on the vessel’s sinking in 1847 and the remarkable actions of its engineer during a harrowing gale.
  2. Ship Details and Ownership:
    Built in 1837 in Charleston, Ohio, by G.W. Jones, the CONSTITUTION was a wooden sidewheel steamer measuring 141 feet in length, 28 feet in width, and 12 feet in depth. The vessel underwent various ownership changes and repairs over the years.
  3. Collision and Sinking:
    On July 24, 1847, disaster struck when the CONSTITUTION collided with a pier in the harbor at Sandusky, Ohio. The impact caused a large hole in the vessel’s bow, leading to its sinking. The immediate aftermath included efforts to raise the vessel and assess the extent of the damage.
  4. Heroic Engineer’s Deed:
    The account recalls an incident that occurred on Lake Erie in October 1837, showcasing the fearless actions of the ship’s engineer during a fierce gale. Captain Appleton, recognizing the perilous situation of the boat rapidly drifting towards a dangerous reef, ordered the engineer to increase steam despite the boilers being already at maximum pressure. The engineer ingeniously used barrels of oil to generate steam rapidly and sat on the safety-valve lever to control the steam output, guiding the vessel to safety.
  5. Courage Under Duress:
    The account emphasizes that the engineer’s actions were not driven by recklessness, but rather by a calculated and courageous determination to protect the lives of those on board. The contrast between the 1837 incident and the vessel’s ultimate sinking in 1847 illustrates the unpredictable nature of maritime challenges.
  6. Conclusion:
    The sinking of the steamboat CONSTITUTION serves as a poignant reminder of the perils faced by vessels navigating Lake Erie’s treacherous waters. The heroism displayed by the engineer during the earlier gale highlights the unwavering spirit of those who safeguarded lives in the face of impending danger, making their deeds worthy of admiration and recognition.
  7. Legacy:
    The story of the steamboat CONSTITUTION and its heroic engineer resonates as a testament to the bravery exhibited by mariners throughout history. The vessel’s legacy serves as a reminder of the challenges and sacrifices made by those who navigated the Great Lakes, leaving an indelible mark on maritime history.

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