On October 19, 1843, two separate incidents occurred involving the sloop H. Roop, resulting in significant losses and a capsizing.

First Incident:
The sloop H. Roop, which was docked in a location not specified, broke adrift and drifted until it went ashore, coming to rest approximately halfway between that location and Cattaraugus. As a consequence of this mishap, a substantial amount of goods and produce aboard the vessel were lost. The estimated value of the lost cargo was between $10,000 and $12,000.

Second Incident:
On the same day, the schooner H. Roop encountered a squall somewhere near Sandusky. The stormy weather caused the vessel to capsize, but fortunately, the master and crew were able to save themselves, escaping without loss of life.

Both incidents involved the sloop H. Roop, but they occurred in different locations and under different circumstances. In the first incident, the sloop broke adrift and went aground, resulting in significant financial losses due to the lost cargo. In the second incident, the schooner H. Roop capsized during a squall while on its way to Sandusky with salt and merchandise. Despite the capsizing, all crew members were rescued and survived the ordeal.

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