Table of Contents

Other Names #

  • LADY HILLIER – 1829
  • ISABELLA Rebuilt from the LADY HILLER and CASPIAN is a rebuild on ISABELLA

A Ship with an Eventful History

The Schooner CASPIAN: A Tale of High Seas and Resilience

Once a proud vessel of 81 tons, the Schooner CASPIAN was built in the quaint town of Cobourg in 1847 by the skilled hands of Taylor. She was initially known by other names, namely LADY HILLIARD and ISABELLA, before finding her true identity as the CASPIAN under the ownership of the esteemed David Hudson. Her home port was Brighton, and she proudly belonged to Class C in the maritime world, boasting a value of $1,200.

Throughout her eventful life, the Schooner CASPIAN faced both moments of triumph and challenges. In 1863, she underwent extensive repairs, proving her resilience and determination to sail the vast waters of Lake Ontario and the River St. Lawrence.

As with many vessels during her time, she experienced the wrath of fierce gales that swept across Lake Ontario, testing her crew’s mettle and fortitude. The Schr. PRESCOTT, laden with precious wheat, tragically foundered during one such tempest, and other vessels like the Schrs. GEORGE the FOURTH, LADY COLBORNE, and LADY HILLIER were also driven ashore, causing significant damage.

As years passed, the Schooner CASPIAN continued her noble service, transporting goods and people along the lake’s shores. She even underwent a name change to LADY HILLIER and later to ISABELLA, but her spirit remained undeterred. In 1853, she was rebuilt at Huron, OH, expanding her life’s journey to the vast expanse of Lake Erie.

Yet, despite her tenacity, fate had other plans for the venerable CASPIAN. On a fateful day in October 1856, as she was carrying a cargo of coal and bound for Buffalo, she encountered treacherous waters near Erie, PA. To the shock of her crew, they found themselves abandoned by their own, as some members of the crew decided to steal the vessel, leaving her to drift ashore.

The once-mighty CASPIAN faced her final moments as she helplessly crumbled on the shores of Lake Erie, becoming a total wreck. The loss was deeply felt by those who admired her, for her history and legacy had been etched into the hearts of all who knew her.

Though she was gone, her memory lived on through the tales and records of her voyages. The Schooner CASPIAN, with her multiple names and eventful history, left an indelible mark on the maritime community, reminding us all of the perilous but adventurous lives led by those who sailed the great lakes.

In the annals of maritime history, the Schooner CASPIAN remains a symbol of resilience, courage, and the unwavering spirit of those who ventured into the uncharted waters of the past. Her legacy serves as a testament to the trials and triumphs of life on the lakes, forever inspiring future generations of seafarers to embark on their own extraordinary journeys.

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