• Dredge
  • 20ffw 7m
  • 60ft Length
  • Portage River Plate, Lake Erie
  • 41 33.663   82 55.7

The DETROITER, a dredge barge, now rests on the muddy bottom near the eastern end of the Camp Perry Firing Range in Lake Erie. Its location is approximately at coordinates 41 33.663 N and 82 55.7 W. The barge measures around 60 feet in length and has a depth of 20 feet when measured from the water’s surface. Notably, the large winch of the barge is submerged at a depth of about 12 feet.

The DETROITER lies in a north/south orientation, and near the wreck, there is a prominent hand-operated anchor. Towards the east, there is a collection of coiled cable and debris scattered around. On the southern side of the wreck, what appears to be a smokestack can be observed. Additionally, there is a remaining spud located on the southwest corner of the barge, while a bollard-style tow bit can be found at the bow.

It is important to exercise caution when approaching the DETROITER as it is situated near Camp Perry’s Firing Range. It is advisable to pay attention to marine radio warnings broadcast on channel 16, especially when there is active firing in the nearby impact area to the north and west. These precautions ensure the safety of those navigating in the vicinity of the wreck.

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