Unidentified Hull – Yeo Island


Deep beneath the serene waters of the St. Lawrence River, near Yeo Island on the Canadian side, lies a mystery waiting to be unraveled. In July of 2023, a local mariner named Jay Paraino tipped off Dan Gildea about a hidden secret lurking 70 feet below the river’s surface – a small shipwreck. With curiosity as their compass, a team from Shotline Diving (SLD), consisting of Dan Gildea and Tom Rutledge, set out to confirm this submerged relic.

The shipwreck’s story begins with its mysterious abandonment. The precise identity of the vessel remains shrouded in uncertainty, but its forsaken state suggests a vessel that once sailed these waters with purpose. Now, it lies as a silent witness to the river’s ever-changing currents.

One of the most striking features of this underwater time capsule is the missing outboard motor, a crucial component that once powered this vessel through the river’s currents. Its absence raises questions about the circumstances that led to the ship’s demise. Was it a sudden mechanical failure, a collision, or simply the end of its useful life that caused it to be discarded in the depths?

The shipwreck’s skeletal remains give divers a fascinating look into its history. The windshield, now folded into the seating area, offers a glimpse of the vessel’s original structure. The remaining portions of seats and scattered miscellaneous parts paint a picture of its former life as a place of relaxation and adventure.

The wreck’s location near Yeo Island adds to its mystique. Yeo Island, known for its natural beauty and tranquil surroundings, stands as a stark contrast to the secrets concealed beneath the waves. How did this vessel find its way here, and why did it meet its end in these waters?

While the shipwreck’s true identity and history remain elusive, its discovery is a testament to the curiosity and passion of maritime enthusiasts. The diligent work of local mariners and organizations like SLD ensures that these hidden relics of the past continue to capture our imagination and remind us of the river’s rich maritime heritage.

The Yeo Island shipwreck stands as a silent sentinel beneath the St. Lawrence’s depths, waiting for divers and explorers to unlock its secrets. As the waters of the river continue to flow, so too does the allure of these submerged time capsules, each with its unique story to tell.

Gallery 2023 Daniel Gildea CC #

YouTube – 2023 Daniel Gildea CC #

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