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The yacht Ellen was built in 1901 in Rockport, Ontario. It had a length of 62 feet, a beam of 10 feet, and a depth of 4 feet, with a gross tonnage of 25. The owner of the yacht was F. Huck from Rockport.

Unfortunately, tragedy struck on November 7, 1905, when the Ellen was destroyed by fire in Cardinal, Ontario. Captain George Reid, from Cardinal, reached a settlement with the insurance underwriters for the yacht. He received $1,700 and decided to retain the boat. Captain Reid made plans to raise the hull from the water and transport it to a dry-dock for rebuilding.

The rebuilding project was entrusted to Fred Huck, an engineer from Lockport (possibly Rockport). Under Huck’s supervision, the yacht Ellen would be reconstructed and restored to its former glory. The process of raising the hull and subsequent rebuilding would ensure that the yacht could sail again, providing a renewed vessel for Captain Reid to enjoy?

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