The Gazette, Montreal, Nov. 23, 1912

The Cecilia L., built in 1911 at Valleyfield, Quebec, was a screw-propelled vessel. It had a length of 90 feet, a beam of 20 feet, and a depth of 6 feet, with a gross tonnage of 192.

Owned by E. Leduc of Valleyfield, Quebec, the Cecilia L. was primarily used for transportation between Montreal and Valleyfield. It served as a cargo vessel, carrying goods and materials along this route.

Tragically, on November 2, 1912, a devastating incident occurred near Île Perrot, Quebec. The Cecilia L. met with a disaster when its cargo shifted, causing the vessel to founder. As a result of this incident, twelve lives were lost.

The exact details regarding the nature of the cargo shift and the subsequent events leading to the foundering of the Cecilia L. are not provided in the available information. However, this tragic event serves as a reminder of the risks and challenges faced by maritime vessels and the importance of ensuring stability and proper handling of cargo to prevent such accidents.

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