Saturn (City of Owen Sound)
Shoepack Bay ON
Spanish Mills & Wahnapitea
SS Kaliyuga
Telegram C 85497
The Grotto – Bruce Peninsula National Park
Thomas R Scott US 145452 (C 116847)
Traveller (G. R. Gray II) US 102463
W.L. Wetmore US 80196
Waome (Mink) C 131085 -
Tobermory Marine Sanctuary
Africa C 92285
Alice G C 107169
Ann Hartley C 52287 (Nicolet, I.L. Tucker, J.L. Tucker)
Anzac (Anzac K)
Avon Voyager II (Willingate, Thomas V. Hollett, Avalon Voyager) C 177073
Bruce Mines
Cascaden (1866)
Charles P. Minch (1867)
City Of Cleveland US 126033
City Of Grand Rapids US/C 125743
Forest City US 9914
James C King US 13871
James Clarke C 71149
James G. Worts C 71245
John & Alex (1924)
John Walters
Lottie Wolf
M. L. Breck (Marion L. Breck)
Marion L. Breck (Mary Breck)
Mark's Point
Niagara II(Rideaulite, Imperial Lachine, Niagara, W.M. Edington) C 155286
Northern Belle (Gladys) (J.S. Estabrook) C 71111
Philo Scoville (Scoville, Philo – Midland Rover)
Robert K
Sweepstakes (1856)
Tecumseh (1862)
The Tugs (John & Alice, Bob Foote, Robert K, Alice G)
Translake No. 3
True North II
Parry Sound
Christian Island
Manitoulin Island