The wreck with the identifier “2370” is named “PITZ,” which is a visible wreck located at LATDEC 46.692264 and LONDEC -91.8584. The quality of the feature on the chart is marked as high.

The historical information about the sinking of the PITZ, the yearsunk, and the depth of the wreck are not provided in the available records.

In a survey conducted by OPR-Z137-WH-81 in 1981-82 (H9979/81-82), the wreck of the PITZ, described as a wooden steamer, was located at LAT 46-41-32.37N and LONG 91-51-29.57W. However, the elevation of the wreck was not provided in this survey.

The information was updated in May 1987 (5/87 RWD).

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