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Tonawanda Boiler

2 min read

SHIPWRECK REPORT: Unknown Ferry Boiler (LS1776/40)


Name: Unknown Ferry Boiler

Designation: LS1776/40

Type: Ferry Boiler (Iron, Cylindrical)

Location: Lake Ontario


Reported: LAT 43° 03’ 01” N, LONG 78° 54’ 56” W

Surveyed: LAT 43° 03’ 00.56” N, LONG 78° 54’ 55.41” W


Length: 10 feet (3 meters)

Diameter: 5 feet (1.5 meters)

Depth: Barely submerged, exposed above the lakebed


The cylindrical iron object located at this site is believed to be the boiler of an old Ferry that once operated in the area. Local accounts identify it as a landmark with historical significance.

The boiler’s precise origin and the details of the Ferry it belonged to remain undocumented. However, its presence suggests that it is a remnant of maritime activity in the region, likely from the 19th or early 20th century, when ferries were commonly used for transportation across the Great Lakes.


Survey Reference: Hydrographic Survey H9889/80

Findings: A large cylindrical iron object identified as the Ferry boiler. No other wreckage or remains were visible in the immediate vicinity.

Evaluation: The site was deemed significant as a local landmark and for its potential maritime historical value. It was recommended for retention on navigation charts.

Marine Safety Manual Entry: September 1988


Condition: The boiler is exposed above the lakebed and serves as a prominent underwater landmark. No associated vessel remains were located nearby.

Accessibility: The site is accessible to divers and visible in clear water conditions. Local boaters recognize it as a navigational point.


The boiler serves as a tangible reminder of the ferries that once played a vital role in transportation and commerce across Lake Ontario. It holds historical value as a relic of the region’s maritime past and remains a point of interest for divers and historians alike.


Hydrographic Survey Records: H9889/80

Marine Safety Manual (MSM): Entry from September 1988

Local Maritime History Groups: Potential sources for identifying the Ferry’s history

Navigation Charts: Marked as LS1776/40 for safety and reference


The boiler located at LS1776/40 is a preserved piece of local maritime history, serving both as a navigational marker and a historical landmark. While its Ferry of origin remains unknown, its continued documentation and marking highlight its significance in the Great Lakes’ rich maritime heritage..

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