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Charity Shoal

### **Category: Charity Shoal, Lake Ontario** #### **Overview** **Charity Shoal** is a **dangerous underwater ridge** located in **Lake Ontario**, near the entrance to the **St. Lawrence River**, approximately **25 km (15.5 miles) southwest of Wolfe Island, Ontario**. Known for its **hidden hazards, strong currents, and shipwreck history**, Charity Shoal has been a **maritime danger zone** for centuries, causing numerous **groundings and sinkings**. In recent years, it has also attracted interest from scientists due to its possible **meteor impact crater origins**. #### **Geography & Location** - Located in **northeastern Lake Ontario**, near the approach to the **St. Lawrence River**. - Positioned between **Wolfe Island, Ontario, and Galloo Island, New York**. - Characterized by **a circular underwater depression**, possibly formed by a **meteor impact**. - **Shallowest Point**: The shoal rises to within **3.7 m (12 ft) of the surface**, making it a serious hazard for ships. #### **Maritime & Shipwreck History** - **Historic Navigation Hazard**: - Before modern navigational aids, Charity Shoal posed a **major risk to sailing vessels and steamships** traveling between **Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence Seaway**. - Many ships **ran aground on the shoal**, leading to severe damage or complete wreckage. - **Notable Shipwrecks**: - **The Schooner Polly Rogers** – Ran aground on Charity Shoal in a storm. - **The HMS Charity)** – Sank after striking the shoal, though some crew survived. - **Unknown & Uncharted Wrecks** – Additional wreckage is believed to lie in the area, but many **remains have yet to be documented**. #### **Scientific & Geological Interest** - In 2007, a **U.S. Geological Survey** suggested that Charity Shoal might be a **meteor impact crater**, given its **circular depression, bedrock structure, and surrounding formations**. - Some researchers theorize that the **impact could date back nearly 500 million years**, but more study is needed to confirm its origins. - The shoal’s **unique underwater topography** makes it an area of **ongoing geological and environmental research**. #### **Diving & Exploration** - **Charity Shoal is not an easy dive site** due to **strong currents, poor visibility, and unpredictable conditions**. - Some **wreckage may be present**, but diving is limited due to **navigational risks and remote location**. - **Sonar mapping and ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) exploration** are the preferred methods for research in this area. #### **Navigational & Maritime Safety** - **Marked Hazard**: Today, Charity Shoal is **clearly marked on modern nautical charts**, warning vessels of the danger. - **Strong Currents & Unpredictable Conditions**: Ships must navigate carefully, especially during storms or low visibility. - **Proximity to Major Shipping Routes**: The shoal lies near the heavily traveled **St. Lawrence Seaway corridor**, making safe passage crucial. ### **Why It Matters** Charity Shoal is **one of Lake Ontario’s most dangerous submerged hazards**, responsible for **multiple shipwrecks** over the years. Its **mystery as a potential meteor impact site**, combined with its **rich maritime history**, makes it an area of interest for **historians, scientists, and Great Lakes navigators alike**. Whether studying **shipwrecks, geological formations, or navigating the Seaway**, Charity Shoal remains a **critical landmark in the Great Lakes region**.