Shotline Diving’s Glossary Terms


Ferro-Concrete Bulk Freight Barge

A ferro-concrete bulk freight barge is a cargo-carrying vessel constructed from reinforced concrete (ferrocement), rather…


Description: Vessels designed for short-distance passenger and cargo transport across harbours and narrow waterways.  • Roles:  •…

Finger Lakes

NY Finger Lakes  • Definition: A group of long, narrow lakes in central New York State,…

Firebox Boiler

Firebox Boiler and Cradle  • Firebox Boiler:  • Definition: A boiler type where steam is generated by…

Firebox Boiler

Definition: A boiler type where steam is generated by burning fuel in a firebox, with…

Fore-and-aft compound steam engine

Fore-and-Aft Sails

Fore-and-Aft Sails: Sails that are set along the line of the keel rather than perpendicular…


Forecastle (Fo’c’sle): The upper deck at the forward part of a ship, traditionally used by…

Forest Fire Smoke

 rare but significant navigational hazard on the Great Lakes, particularly during dry seasons when large…

Fort Michilimackinac

A strategic colonial fort at the Straits of Mackinac, central to British and French control…

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