Shotline Diving’s Glossary Terms



Barge: A flat-bottomed vessel designed for transporting heavy goods over rivers, canals, and protected waters….


Bark (or Barque): A sailing vessel with three or more masts, where the foremast and…


Barkentine (or Barquentine): A sailing vessel with three or more masts, where the foremast is…


Barque (or Bark)  • Definition: A vessel with three or more masts, square-rigged on the forward…

Bascom and Gillham

Bascom and Gillham  Maritime historians or authors recognized for their extensive research and documentation of the…


British Commonwealth Air Training Plan (BCATP): A large-scale program initiated during World War II by…

Beaver Island

Beaver Island (Michigan, USA)  • Definition: The largest island in Lake Michigan.  • Significance:  • Known for its…

Belly Dumper

List of belly dumpers found so far Cornwall N 45 01.660 W 74 50.690 Lake Huron N…


Bilge: The lowest part of a ship’s interior, where water and other debris can collect….

Bilge Pump

Bilge Pump:  • Definition: A pump designed to remove water from the bilge, the lowest compartment…

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