Unidentified Hull – Guindon Park Wreck


Location: Old Canal near Guindon Park, Cornwall, Ontario
Depth: 14 meters 

Venturing into the depths of the old canal west of Guindon Park proved to be an exhilarating expedition. With excitement and anticipation, Steve Blanchard and Roger Lacasse as a  team embarked on a journey to uncover the secrets hidden beneath the waters of Cornwall, Ontario.

As they descended into the depths, the underwater landscape unveiled its mysteries. Amidst the tranquil currents, a silhouette emerged, captivating our attention. Nestled in the sandy floor lay an unidentified wreck, its contours hinting at a rich history waiting to be unveiled. With careful examination, the team speculated that they might have stumbled upon a significant find—the possible bow section of the Barge CORNWALL. The thrill of discovery filled the air as the meticulously surveyed the wreck, documenting every detail in hopes of unlocking its past. f

Special thanks to Steve Blanchard and Roger Lacasse for their work and expertise during this exploration. Without their dedication, we many never have known the location of the this wreck

3D Model by Roger Lacasse


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