Timber Drogher

Timber carrier schooners were a common type of vessel used for transporting timber and lumber on the Great Lakes and other waterways. These schooners were specifically designed and built to carry large quantities of timber from the forested regions to the ports and markets.

Timber carrier schooners were typically characterized by their sturdy construction and large cargo capacity. They had a spacious open deck area to accommodate the timber and were often equipped with strong rigging and sails to navigate the lakes efficiently.

These vessels played a vital role in the timber industry, which relied on transporting logs and lumber from the forested regions to the sawmills and markets. The schooners would often load timber at designated timber ports or logging camps and transport it to the desired destinations, where it would be unloaded for further processing or distribution.

Timber carrier schooners were a common sight on the Great Lakes during the peak of the timber industry in the 19th and early 20th centuries. They facilitated the transportation of vast quantities of timber, contributing to the growth of the logging and lumber industry in the region.

Over time, with the decline of the timber industry and the shift to other modes of transportation, such as rail and trucks, the use of timber carrier schooners diminished. However, their legacy remains as a testament to the important role they played in the development of the Great Lakes region.

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