In November 1880, the schooner CORTEZ encountered a significant incident and subsequent investigations:

  1. The schooner CORTEZ, owned by M.J. Cummings of Oswego, was en route from Milwaukee to Oswego carrying a cargo of 19,000 bushels of wheat. On November 13, it went aground at Sandy Creek, located 20 miles east of Oswego. The vessel was reported to be breaking apart. The crew members were safely rescued.
  2. Captain George McLeod, who represented the underwriters interested in the CORTEZ, along with other captains, returned from the wreck. The vessel was declared a total loss, with significant damage to its cabin, deck frames, and various parts aft of the mainmast. The vessel’s rails were partially submerged, and it was abandoned to the underwriters. The cargo was distributed along the shore.
  3. Despite efforts to salvage the ship, the CORTEZ ultimately went to pieces, and the vessel was considered a total wreck. However, both the cargo and vessel were fully insured.
  4. There were investigations and discussions regarding the actions of the life-saving crew and the captain in relation to the wreck:
  • Captain D.P. Dobbins, superintendent of life-saving stations, investigated a letter that criticized the conduct of the crew of life-saving station No. 1 at Big Sandy Creek. He found that the crew was not to blame for their failure to reach the wrecked vessel in time due to extreme rough conditions and the difficulties of dragging their equipment through flooded and treacherous terrain.
  • Citizens of Ellisburgh expressed their support for the life-saving crew, countering claims that the crew was inefficient, neglectful, or cowardly. They described the circumstances of the rescue attempt and emphasized that the crew faced challenging conditions and made significant efforts to reach the wreck.

The incident involving the CORTEZ and the subsequent investigations highlight the challenges and complexities involved in maritime rescue operations and the varied perspectives that can arise in such situations.

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