Unidentified Hull – Cabin Cruiser

The historical information for record number 04686 describes a cabin cruiser that is partially submerged and poses a potential hazard to navigation. The details of the report are as follows:

  • History: According to Local Notice to Mariners (LNM) 39/80, a 26-foot cabin cruiser was reported partially submerged in 6 feet of water in approximately latitude 43°55.5’N and longitude 82°27.7’W. In LNM 40/80, it was corrected that the correct longitude is 83°27.7’W.
  • Survey Requirements: Full survey requirements were specified, indicating that a visual inspection at the sounding datum is necessary to verify the existence of the submerged cabin cruiser. If the vessel is not visible upon visual inspection, it must be disproved by bottom drag within a minimum radius of 1 nautical mile. Alternatively, if there is salvage documentation available, it can be accepted as proof of disproval.
  • Assignment: The case was assigned the designation “S-X927-HFP-87,” with a note stating that the survey should be carried out if time is available.

This information suggests that the cabin cruiser was reported to be partially submerged in shallow water, making it a potential hazard to boats navigating the area. Proper survey and verification procedures are required to ensure the accuracy of the report and assess the safety risks associated with the submerged vessel. The assignment code indicates that a survey team was tasked with investigating and verifying the situation, and if time permitted, the inspection would be conducted.

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