This website provides a vast collection of historical documents, photographs, vessel registries, and accounts of shipwrecks related to the Great Lakes. It focuses on the evolution of shipping, commerce, and navigation in the region, making it a vital resource for anyone studying maritime history or the development of transportation networks in North America.
Glossary Terms:
• Shipbuilder’s Register: A historical record of vessels constructed in specific locations, including details like builders, owners, and dimensions.
• Lake Freighter: A large cargo vessel designed specifically for Great Lakes navigation, carrying materials like iron ore, coal, and grain.
• Steamship Transition Era: The period in the 19th century when vessels shifted from sail to steam propulsion, revolutionizing maritime commerce.
• Packet Ship: A type of vessel operating on a fixed schedule for passengers, mail, and light cargo.
• Welland Canal: A key navigation route connecting Lake Ontario and Lake Erie, critical to Great Lakes shipping.
• Maritime Archaeology: The study of submerged cultural heritage, including shipwrecks, ports, and other underwater sites.