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C. E. Feltner Enrollments Database

The C. E. Feltner Enrollments Database is a detailed and valuable resource for researchers studying Great Lakes maritime history. This database compiles vessel enrollment records for ships that operated on the Great Lakes, providing crucial information about the ownership, construction, and legal registration of these vessels.

Key Features of the C. E. Feltner Enrollments Database:

1.Vessel Enrollment Records:

•The database includes official enrollment documents for vessels, detailing the ship’s ownership, construction, and legal information. These documents were required for ships to operate legally, making this database a primary source for historical vessel data.

2.Vessel Specifications:

•Each enrollment record typically includes details such as the vessel’s tonnage, dimensions, construction date, and home port, offering a comprehensive look at individual ships.

3.Shipbuilders and Owners:

•The database includes information about the shipbuilders and owners associated with each vessel, making it a valuable resource for understanding the network of ship construction and maritime commerce on the Great Lakes.

4.Ship History:

•The enrollment records often offer insights into the operational history of vessels, such as changes in ownership or modifications to the ship, which can help track the life cycle of Great Lakes vessels.

5.Research and Preservation:

•The C. E. Feltner Enrollments Database serves as a critical tool for maritime historians, genealogists, and wreck divers interested in tracing the origins and careers of specific ships that sailed the Great Lakes.

Accessing the C. E. Feltner Enrollments Database:

The C. E. Feltner Enrollments Database is often referenced in Great Lakes maritime research and may be available through university archives, specialized maritime history websites, or directly via historical collections related to Great Lakes shipping. Some maritime history sites, like, may provide access to this data.

To explore the database:

Contact maritime archives like the Great Lakes Historical Society or Bowling Green State University’s Historical Collections of the Great Lakes.

•You can also check with maritime research groups like the Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary or local historical societies in the Great Lakes region for access to these records.