The wreck with RECRD “4379” and VESSLTERMS “UNKNOWN” is a visible wreck located at approximately latitude 46.471131 and longitude -84.299758. The wreck was initially reported as a cluster of three submerged wrecks, scaled at 1:10,000 in the position latitude 46-28-26.0N, longitude 84-17-59.0W. The projection of the wrecks is elongated approximately 10 meters in length.
However, the charted submerged barge was scaled incorrectly, as the given position fell on Island #3. A visible wreck at the Lowest Water Depth (LWD) was later located by a field party. This visible wreck is 90 feet long and 35 feet wide, with the north end of the barge located in latitude 46°28’16.75″N, longitude 84°17’59.37″W, and the south end located in latitude 46°28’15.96″N, longitude 84°17’58.60″W. The wreck is awash at 0.3 feet at LWD.
The information was updated to correct the position and describe the visible wreck for charting purposes.