The wreck with CRD “3954” and VESSLTERMS “UNKNOWN” is a submerged wreck that is dangerous to surface navigation. It is located at approximately latitude 46.432217 and longitude -84.579175.
The history of the wreck indicates that it was initially classified as a submerged wreck and scaled at 1:40,000 from Chart 14884 in the chart at latitude 46-25-55.0N and longitude 84-34-45.0W. In a subsequent update, it was verified as a visible wreck, and the north end of the wreck uncovers 0.6 feet at LWD and is located in latitude 46-25-56.73N and longitude 84-34-45.31W. The south end of the wreck uncovers 0.1 feet at LWD and is located in latitude 46-25-55.91N and longitude 84-34-44.85W. Depths were determined by pole sounding, and the evaluator recommended charting the wreck as shown on the present survey.
Given that it is a submerged wreck that poses a danger to surface navigation, it may be important to keep this wreck accurately charted to ensure safe navigation in the area.