The wreck with CRD “2358” and VESSLTERMS “UNKNOWN” is a visible wreck located at approximately latitude 46.490631 and longitude -84.310875. The history of the wreck indicates that it was initially classified as a submerged wreck and scaled at 1:10,000 in the chart at latitude 46-29-26.7N and longitude 84-18-39.4W. The projection of the wreck is elongated approximately 10 meters in length. It was first located as ruins in 1945.
In subsequent updates, the wreck was confirmed to be a probable barge, and it is exposed 2 feet at LWD (Lowest Water Depth). A later update mentions that debris from the wreck covers an area of approximately 100×50 feet, and the wreck itself is exposed 3 feet at LWD. The wreck sits flat on the bottom in an east-west direction.
Survey requirements for the wreck are full, but it has not been assigned further action. As a visible wreck, it poses no immediate danger to surface navigation, but it may require further investigation or monitoring due to its location and condition.