Type: Submerged Vehicle
Depth: 55 – 70 feet
Description: 3 wooden train carts. One lies flat on the bottom with all 4 wheels and wooden frame intact. The second one is up against the river wall, almost vertical. It too has 4 wheels and wooden frame. The third cart is more broken up, but otherwise is much like the first cart. In addition to the carts, another highlight of the dive is the wall. The 50 foot limestone wall has many overhangs, crevasses, and other interesting formations.
Access: Shore. Right where Francis Street East bends left, there is a car sized clearing. Park on the side of the street and walk down to the water. This is near private property, so be respectful and do not stay longer than you need to. From there, it’s a 100 meter swim along the overhead powerlines. When at the other bank, follow the river up stream until you are in-between the 2 cottages north of the lines. Submerge and look for the trains on the left hand side.
Visibility: 20 feet. The water here is tea colored, and gets very dark quickly. This is not due to mud or silt, but the harmless tannic acid that absorbs light. A high powered dive light is essential. There may also be a moderate current depending on the time of year.
It is unlikely that the cars fell off the railway bridge above the dam & lock at Fenelon Falls. It’s more likely that they were pushed into the gorge (to save sawn lumber) during the fire that destroyed the J.D. Lowry & Sons saw mill on 19 June 1896. That mill was located where the present Sobey’s grocery store is situated (i.e. below the dam & lock). There was a spur railway track into the mill off the main line.
Youtube Video by Fanthom
Links and Resources
- Fenelon Falls Train Station
- Shotline’s Mark Turezki in the Peterbourgh News
- Mark’s 2021 Visit makes the News
- Explore Fenelon Falls on Facebook
- Directions to Fenelon Falls
- Personal Correspondence SLD/Bob Reid Jun 2024