On the serene waters of Lake Huron, the tale of the Clay Tile unfolds as a mystery veiled in the depths. The vessel, known by its official number 175654, met its enigmatic end on July 11, 1943, leaving behind a shroud of uncertainty. As the waves of time caress the fragments of its story, the Clay Tile stands as a silent witness to its own disappearance.
The Vessel’s Identity
The Clay Tile, shrouded in the anonymity of its construction details and other names, emerges from the shadows as a vessel of intrigue. Whether it was a scow or a steamer-scow, its dimensions of 106 feet in length, 31 feet in width, and 7 feet in depth give a glimpse into its physical presence. With a gross tonnage of 206 and net tonnage of the same measure, it carried a weight that matched its enigma.
A Mysterious Vanishing Act
On that fateful day, July 11, 1943, the Saginaw River became the backdrop for the Clay Tile’s disappearance. Just 1.5 miles north of Crow Island, the vessel’s journey took an unexpected turn. The tranquil waters of Lake Huron bore witness to an event that would seal the vessel’s fate. Yet, the details of this incident remain elusive, lost to the depths along with the vessel itself.
Ownership and Lingering Remains
The Clay Tile’s ownership lay in the hands of Harold F. Phillips of Port Huron. It is his name that echoes through the annals of maritime history in connection to the vessel. While the vessel’s origins remain obscured, its association with Phillips lends a touch of personal connection to the story.
A Persistent Enigma
The mystery surrounding the Clay Tile is perpetuated by the absence of detailed records of its loss. Despite its presence in the waters of Lake Huron, the vessel’s story is one of the many maritime enigmas that dot the landscape of history. Its final resting place is marked by the remains that still linger beneath the surface, offering only glimpses of its past existence.
A Silent Echo
The tale of the Clay Tile is a silent echo that resonates through time, reminding us of the stories lost to the depths. As the waves dance above the vessel’s resting place, they hold within them the secrets of a vessel that disappeared without a trace. The Clay Tile’s journey is one that invites curiosity, speculation, and contemplation, inviting us to ponder the unknown stories that lie beneath the waters of Lake Huron.