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WAVE CREST (1867, Schooner)

Identification & Site Information:

Vessel Name: WAVE CREST

Year of Build: 1867

Official Number: 83414

Construction and Ownership

Built at: Brockville, Ontario

Vessel Type: Schooner

Hull Materials: Wood

Number of Decks: 1

Builder Name: D. Anderson

Original Owner: Albert Gurney, et al.

Power and Masts

Number of Masts: 2

Hull Dimensions

Length: 110.1 feet

Beam: 24.3 feet

Depth: 9.7 feet

Tonnage (Gross): 215 tons

Tonnage (Net): 182 tons

Vessel Type

The Wave Crest was a wooden two-masted schooner built in 1867 in Brockville, Ontario, by D. Anderson. It featured a round stern, standing bowsprit, and carvel-built construction. Schooners like the Wave Crest were commonly used for transporting bulk goods such as grain, timber, and coal across the Great Lakes, and the vessel played an essential role in the Lake Ontario shipping network.


The Wave Crest changed ownership several times during its career:

1871: Owned by Sylvester Brothers of Kingston, Ontario.

1878: Owned by S. Middleton of Kingston.

1882, March: Ownership transferred to Robert C. Smith, Jr., of Port Hope, Ontario.

The schooner continued to operate on Lake Ontario and neighboring waters for more than three decades before its final voyage.

Final Disposition

On November 15, 1900, the Wave Crest foundered in a gale off Oak Orchard Point, New York, on Lake Ontario. The schooner was caught in a severe storm, which overwhelmed the vessel and caused it to sink. There are no details about the crew’s fate, but the ship was lost along with its cargo.

Located By & Date

There is no known record of the Wave Crest‘s wreck being located or salvaged. The vessel’s remains are likely at the bottom of Lake Ontario near Oak Orchard Point, New York.

Notmars & Advisories

There are no navigational hazards currently associated with the wreck of the Wave Crest. The waters off Oak Orchard Point have seen many shipwrecks due to the region’s frequent and severe storms.

Resources & Links

For more information on the Wave Crest and similar vessels:

Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Great Lakes Ships Database

Save Ontario Shipwrecks

The wreck of the Wave Crest underscores the perilous conditions that schooners faced on Lake Ontario, particularly during the late fall months when gales were frequent and often deadly for the vessels caught in them.

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