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BRITANNIA (1819, Schooner)

Identification & Site Information:

Vessel Name: BRITANNIA

Year of Build: 1819

Construction and Ownership

Built at: Wellington Square, Ontario

Vessel Type: Schooner

Hull Materials: Wood

Number of Decks: 1

Builder Name: Roberts

Original Owner: M. Brooks

Power and Masts

Number of Masts: 2

Hull Dimensions

Tonnage (Old Style): 100 tons

Vessel Type

The Britannia was a wooden, two-masted schooner built in 1819 at Wellington Square, Ontario. Schooners like the Britannia were common for their versatility and cargo capacity, primarily used for transporting goods across the Great Lakes. This vessel was designed to carry various bulk goods, including grain, timber, and other materials, and served the bustling shipping routes of Lake Ontario.


The Britannia operated for over two decades, servicing ports across Lake Ontario and beyond. By the time of its final voyage in 1841, the vessel was owned by Colvin, Cook & Counter, along with other investors from Kingston, Ontario. The schooner was primarily involved in commercial shipping, facilitating trade between Canadian and American ports along the Great Lakes.

Final Disposition

On November 4, 1841, the Britannia foundered off the coast of Rochester County, Lake Ontario, during a storm. Tragically, 5 to 6 crew members lost their lives in the incident. The cause of the sinking was likely due to the severe weather, which was common on the Great Lakes during the late fall. Foundering, where a ship fills with water and sinks, often occurred due to structural failure or overwhelming weather conditions.

Located By & Date

There are no modern records of the Britannia’s wreck being located or recovered. The remains of the vessel likely rest at the bottom of Lake Ontario off the Rochester shoreline.

Notmars & Advisories

No navigational hazards are currently linked to the wreck of the Britannia, as the site has not been precisely located. The waters off Rochester are known for their shipwrecks due to frequent storms during the 19th century.

Resources & Links

For additional research and historical context, consider these sources:

Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Great Lakes Ships Database

Save Ontario Shipwrecks

The wreck of the Britannia is one of many lost to the unpredictable and often harsh weather on Lake Ontario, where storms could quickly turn routine voyages into tragedies.

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